Epilogue: Farewell

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Freya's POV

After being away for thirteen months it felt great to be home. At least no one had tried to sell any of our things like they did to Uncle Bilbo. Within the first week Sam was courting Rosie. A month later he proposed and she accepted. They married three months later. At the wedding Pippin caught the bouquet and caught the eye of a young female hobbit named Diamond. They started courting. So only Merry and Frodo are still single.

Speaking of courting. Gimli and I started courting about a month after the battle for the ring. I had a lovely time with him and Legolas at the Glittering caves. He and Legolas are now traveling Middle Earth. They are also helping to restore a forest. Gimli writes to me often. He even visited the Shire and stayed for a few days. He was my date to Rosie and Sam's wedding. But I haven't seen him in a couple of months.

Also Arwen and Aragorn married. They have a son named Eldarion. He's an adorable child. Arwen and Aragorn are also expecting their second child praying for a girl. Eldarion is very excited about being a big brother. He's vowed to let no one hurt his future brother or sister.

Anyway it's been four years since Weather Top and Frodo still gets phantom pains in his shoulder. I try to help the best I can. But there's only so much I can do. Sam has a little girl that will soon celebrate her fifth birthday soon. Her name is Elanor. And a baby boy named Frodo.

It's now time for Frodo, Uncle Bilbo, Gandalf, Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and her husband to leave for the Undying Lands. Frodo has still not told the others. Though I have begged him too. He just wanted to leave it for the last moment. We have completed our story on The Lord of the Rings. We just signed it when Sam appears.

Frodo winces and grabs his shoulder. I start to rub his shoulder gently giving it a massage. "Mister Frodo? What is it?" Sam asks him concerned.

"It's been four years to the day since Weathertop, Sam. It's never really healed" Frodo explains.

"I've done the best I can, Lord Elrond even came to look at it. But we can only sooth the pain when it happens" I state sadly. "Better?" I ask Frodo and he nods his head giving me a grateful smile. Sam reads from the title page of the book.

"'There and Back again, a Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins'... and 'The Lord of the Rings by Freya and Frodo Baggins.' You both finished it" Sam says with a smile. Frodo closes the book.

"Not quite. There's room for a little more" Frodo tells him with a smile. We had both agreed to let Sam finish the book. Though we have not told him this. I plan on writing a small book of my own once Frodo leaves.

"Come, we don't want to be late meeting Gandalf and Uncle Bilbo" I tell them. "I'll go get the other two" I state. I leave and go get Pippin and Merry. Uncle Bilbo once told Frodo and I, his part in this tale would end. That each of must come and go in the telling. Uncle Bilbo's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him... save one.

We all meet up with Gandalf and Uncle Bilbo. Frodo and I rode with him in the carriage as Gandalf drove it. While Sam, Merry and Pippin rode their ponies. "Tell me again, where are we going?" Uncle Bilbo asks us.

"The Grey Havens" I tell him.

"To the harbor, Uncle. The elves have accorded you a special honor. A place on one of the last ships to leave Middle-Earth" Frodo explains.

"Frodo, any chance of seeing that old Ring of mine again? Hmm? The one I gave you?" Uncle Bilbo asks him.

"I'm sorry, Uncle... I'm afraid I lost it" Frodo tells him.

"Oh, pity. I should like to have held it, one last time" Uncle Bilbo says tiredly. He leans on Frodo's shoulder and falls asleep. I give Frodo a look and he nods his head.

(Time Skip)

We arrive at the Grey Havens and we wake Uncle Bilbo. Sam and Frodo help Uncle Bilbo walk as we go look out at the sea. "Oh! Here is a sight that I have never seen before" he says with a smile. I notice Lord Elrond, Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel stand next to a docked ship.

"The power of the three rings is ended. The time has come for the Dominion of Men" Lady Galadriel states.

"I Aear can vên na mar" Lord Elrond says in elvish. (Translation: The sea calls us home).

"I think I'm quite ready for another adventure" Uncle Bilbo says smiling at Lord Elrond. He walks over to him and they board the ship together. Galadriel smiles at Frodo and then also boards with Lord Celeborn.

Gandalf turns to us hobbits and leans on his staff. "Farewell... my brave hobbits. My work is now finished" he tells us and we begin to cry."Here at last, on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil" he tells us. He walks towards the ship, but stops and turns around. "It is time, Frodo" he states.

The other three turn to give a confused look at Frodo. I give him a hug crying into his shoulder. "I'll miss you little brother" I tell him.

"And I you" he says and we pull away. He turns to the others as I dry my tears. I give Gandalf a hug.

"Take care of him please" I tell him. He nods his head. I go over to Merry and Pippin.

"What does he mean?" Sam asks him.

"We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved. But not for me" Frodo tells him.

"You don't mean that! You can't leave" Sam cries. Frodo hands Sam the Red Book.

"The last pages are for you, Sam" Frodo tells him. Frodo embraces each hobbit in turn, also kissing Sam on the forehead. He hugs the other two before kissing my cheek and walks over to Gandalf. They both give us one last smile before boarding the ship. Frodo finally appears at peace. The ship sails out of the Grey Havens.

"Freya" someone says and I turn to see Gimli. I tear up and run into his arms crying into his arms. "It'll be ok" he assures me.

"You're not coming back either, are you Freya?" Pippin asks me.

"I will one day, but it's about time Gimli and I courted properly" I tell them. "I'll write often. Take care of your family Sam. Pippin take good care of Diamond. Merry don't get into to much trouble and find a nice girl. Take care of each other" I state. I hug them all before leaving with Gimli.

"I thought we'd go to Erebor and tour Middle Earth for a while. Is that ok?" he asks me.

"Sounds perfect" I tell him with a smile. "I'll have a lot to write about in my book" I add.

"We'll visit the others as well" he states. I smile and we mount his pony. I hug his waist resting my head on his shoulder. We ride off into the sunset together.

When we reached Erebor Gimli proposed and I accepted. We visited all our friends and told them. They were thrilled for us. Then six months later we married in Gondor in front of the white tree in the court yard. We had two beautiful children Gala and Strider. Then in the fourth age 120 Gimli and I left with Legolas for the undying lands. Where I reunited with my brother and Uncle.

The End


Pictures above of Sam's wedding and picture on the external link of Frodo going to board the boat with Gandalf.

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