Three Words

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Freya's POV

I lead Gimli to a balcony that over looks the city and plains. "You cut your hair, why?" Gimli asks.

"It was getting in the way, besides it will grow back" I state.

"I liked it better longer" he grumbles.

"Why did you wish to talk Gimli?" I ask him.

"I want you to remain here during the next battle" he states.

"You can't stop me from going Gimli, that's my little brother out there and I won't let him fight alone" I tell him firmly.

"But..." he tries to protest.

"No, he is my brother and my cousins will be going. I will be there to fight with them and treat the wounded. You can't stop me from going" I state.

"Why must you be so stubborn?" he grumbles.

"Would you not of done the same? Had you been there sixty years ago when your father faced Smaug?" I ask him. "I'll do anything for my family and those I love. Even if I die" I tell him.

"I know that, but I wish you would care more for your own life" he tells me.

"Why do you care Gimli? We are members of the same company and have faced many challenges together. By the way, thank you for carrying me out of the Mines" I tell him. "You know I can handle myself" I add.

"I know, you have become a fine warrior Freya, but I worry for your safety" he states.

"Again, I ask. Why?" I ask him.

"I don't truly know why, I have never felt this way before" he tells me sheepishly.

"Try to explain please" I plead.

"I care for you greatly Freya, I can't bare the thought of you being hurt or losing you" he states.

"I feel the same way about you Gimli and Frodo. But it's different with you somehow, I don't see you as a brother" I state. "At first I thought it was as a true friend, like with Legolas and Aragorn. But it's not" I tell him.

"What are you saying Freya?" he asks me.

"That I think I'm falling for you, but we're in the middle of a war and about to faces our toughest battle yet. There's a chance we could both die and I don't want to have any regrets or unfinished business" I tell him.

"Nor do I and I think I love you, but I don't know if it's real" he tells me.

"The only way to know is if we survive this battle and have a chance to get to know each other without threat of death" I tell him.

"The chances of that are slime Freya" he tells me.

"I know" I state as I look at Mordor in the distance. "There's also I might not see Frodo or Sam again. Even if they do destroy the ring. But we must keep hope alive" I tell him.

"As Lady Galadriel said, 'hope remains, as long as the company remains true'" he states.

"Do you like her Gimli?" I ask him and he looks at me confused. "You said and I quote; 'she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth'" I state.

"I do not care for her in that way Freya, she is married. I admire her greatly, but that is all" he tells me.

"But how can I know what you feel for me is real? What if a dwarf maiden or another available lady appears. That you like more then me. I don't want my heart broken Gimli" I tell him.

"Then how about we court once this is over? Just for a month and if our feelings change, we go our separate ways" he suggests.

"You'd really do that?" I ask him.

"Aye, that's how I know what I feel is real. You see dwarves only love once, like Elves do. Which is why I don't know if what I feel is real yet, but from what my father has told me about love. It feels real" he tells me.

"Hobbits don't love often, when we do we are loyal to our partner for life. But Gimli, I have a short lifespan to you. I'll only live to my early hundreds if I survive this war. Where as you will live to be at least two hundred" I remind him. "I don't want to leave you heartbroken if what we feel is real" I tell him.

"I'd rather live with you for the next half century, then not at all" he tells me.

"I'm twenty five and have a good seventy years left if we survive" I state.

"Well I am hundred and twenty three (Made up age as he was in his sixties during the Hobbit). I think we'd have a long full life together" he tells me.

"We shall see" I tell him and kiss his cheek. "Sleep well Gimli, I must go tell Merry and Pippin of tomorrow's battle. And rest" I state and leave the balcony. Once out of ear shot I whisper "I love you Gimli".

(Balcony) Third Persons POV

"I love you Freya" Gimli says as he looks up at the stary sky. Wishing he'd tell her. But he vows to protect her with his life tomorrow. He wants a future with her and will fight for it.

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