Prancing Pony Inn

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Freya's POV

We'd left the Shire joined by Merry and Pippin. Who'd been stealing from Farmer Maggots crop again. Thanks to him we reached a ferry before the black riders following us caught us. It is not raining heavily as we reached Bree. We approach the gate after Frodo encouraged us and he knocked on it. A small window opens to reveal the gate keeper.

"Hobbits! Five hobbits! What business brings you to Bree?" he asks us.

"We wish to stay at the inn" I tell him.

"Our business is our own" Frodo adds.

"All right young sir, I meant no offense. 'Tis my job to ask question after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful" the gate keeper says as he lets us in. We make their way up the cobbled path, through the motley crowd which jostles and bumps them.

One man, a particularly ugly oaf holding a carrot, belches contemptuously over them."Out of the way! Watch where you're walking, young masters and miss" he tells us before leaving. Frodo looks up and spots the sign of the Prancing Pony. The five of us enter the Inn. Inside, it is crowded, noisy and poorly-lit. We pull back their hoods. Merry and Pippin breathe sighs of relief.

Frodo leads us over to the paper which reaches above our heads. "Excuse me" he says and the bar man looks down at us.

"Good evening, little masters and Miss! If you're looking for accommodation we've got some nice, cozy, hobbit-sized rooms available. Mister uh..." he trails off.

"Underhill, my name is Underhill" Frodo tells him. "We're friends of Gandalf the Grey. Can you tell him we've arrived?" he asks.

"Gandalf? Gandalf? Oh yes! I remember: elderly chap, big gray beard, pointy hat... Not seen him for six months" the bar man tells Frodo. We huddle together as the bar man leaves.

"What now?" Sam and I ask Frodo.

"I guess we get a room and wait for Gandalf" he states. Frodo and I got a table while the others got us drinks along with a room. "I'm sorry you have to go through this Freya" he tells me.

"I don't mind, it's nice to see the world outside of the Shire. I just hope Gandalf arrives soon, so that we can return home. Our uncle did nearly die multiple times when he left the Shire. I just don't want to lose you Frodo" I state.

"You won't" he assures me placing a hand on mine. Sam returns with ale for them and water for me. "Sam. He'll be here. He'll come" Frodo tells him as Merry returns with a big mug of ale.

"What's that?" Pippin asks Merry.

"This my friend, is a pint" Merry declares.

"It comes in pints? I'm getting one" Pippin states.

"You had half a whole one already" I call as he runs over to the bar.After a moment, Sam nudges Frodo and gestures to the corner of the room. A dark cloaked figure sits alone. His face is invisible inside his hood.

"That fellow's done nothin' but stare at you since we arrived" he whispers.

"Excuse me, that man in the corner, who is he?" Frodo asks the bar man as he walks by.

"He's one of them rangers. Dangerous folk they are — wandering the wilds. What his right name is I've never heard, but around here, he's known as Strider" he explains before leaving.

"Strider" Frodo and I say looking at the man. Wholights his pipe. Only the gleam of his eyes can be discerned above the glow of the burning leaf. I notice Frodo playing with the ring again and frown. He nearly put it on before, but Sam stopped him just in time before we were caught by the black riders.

"Baggins!" I hear Pippin shouts and look at him with Frodo."Sure I know a Baggins. They're over there, Frodo and Freya Baggins" he states pointing to us. "They're my second cousins, once removed on his mother's side. And my third cousins twice removed on his father's side, if you follow me" he explains.

Frodo and I rushes towards the bar to stop Pippin from babbling further. "Pippin" we say as Frodo grabs his arm.

"Steady on, Frodo!" Pippin says trying to pull his arm away.Frodo slips on someone's boot and falls back, tossing the Ring into the air.As he catches it, the Ring slips onto Frodo's finger and he disappears. Everyone gasps in surprise.

"Frodo, where are you?" I call looking for him. I find him by a pillar and someone grabs our arms. I look up to see Strider.

"You draw far too much attention to yourself Mister 'Underhill'" he states and drags us upstairs to a room.

"What do you want?" Frodo demands after Strider had let us go.

"A little more caution from you. That is no trinket you carry" he states.

"He carries nothing" I snap holding Frodo's arm.

"Indeed" he says eyeing us. He walks over to the window, and puts out the candles with his fingers."I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely, that is a rare gift" he states.

"Who are you?" Frodo and I ask him.

"Are you frightened?" Strider asks.

"Yes" we say quietly.

"Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you" Strider states. The door bursts open and Strider draws his sword.Sam, Merry and Pippin rush in, Sam with fists clenched and ready to fight.

"Let them go! Or I'll have you Longshanks!" Sam says loudly.

"You have a stout heart little hobbit, but that will not save you" Strider states sheathing his sword. "You can no longer wait for the wizard Frodo. They're coming" he adds. He then tells us to rest and I sleep beside Frodo. But a screeching cry wakes us from our slumber.

"What are they?" I ask Strider.

"They were once Men. Great kings of Men.Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question. One by one falling into darkness.Now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring. Drawn to the power of the One. They will never stop hunting you" he explains.

(The following morning)

Strider leads the five us and a newly acquired pony away from the village of Bree. He said he was taking us into the wild."How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" Merry asks.

"I think a servant of the Enemy would look fairer and feel fouler" I tell him.

"He's foul enough" Merry states and I roll my eyes. Frodo said we had no  choice but to trust Strider. But Sam asked where was Strider leading us. He said he was taking us to Rivendell.

"Did you hear that? Rivendell! We're going to see the Elves!" Sam declares happily. Pippin and Merry then complain about elevenesses. So Strider throws them each an apple as we continue on our way to Rivendell.


Picture above of the Prancing Pony Inn and picture on the external link of Strider.

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