Denethor's Madness

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Freya's POV

I'm staying close to Pippin at the order of Gandalf. Right now I am sitting in front of a mirror looking at my hair. I grab a knife and my hair. "What are you doing?" Pippin asks me.

"Cutting my hair" I state and cut it to shoulder length. I brush it and go behind the change screen to change out of my dress. Into my new fighting outfit. I come out and strap my belt to my waist. It has my medical kit on it along with my sword.

"You look great Freya, but won't Gimli be upset about your hair?" he asks me.

"He has no say in what I do with my hair, besides it'll grow back" I remind him.

"Are you ok?" he asks me and I look at him confused. "You've looked pale all morning" he states.

"I just had a bad dream, I feel like Frodo is in danger and I'm not there to help him. I am just praying Sam will stay true" I tell him.

"I'm sure he will, Frodo will be fine" Pippin assures me.

"Thanks Pippin, lets go find Gandalf" I tell him. He agrees and we leave the room heading for the courtyard. Where we hear Denethor's shout of despair. We rush over to see him kneeling over Faramir, who has two arrows in his chest. I kneel down and check his pulse. I find a faint one.

"My line has ended" Denethor says.

"It hasn't, he's alive and needs medical attention" I tell him as I examine his wounds.

"My line has ended!" Denethor shouts ignoring me.

"My Lord!" Pippin shouts trying to grab his attention.

"Rohan has deserted us" Denethor says as the orcs start to attack. I hear the people cry in fear as they flee. "Abandon your posts! Flee! Flee for you lives!" he shouts. Gandalf smacks Denethor with his staff, knocking him out.

"Prepare for battle" Gandalf tells the soldiers and they do so.

"I have to go fight Freya, will you be ok?" Pippin asks me.

"Yes, I have to treat Faramir's wounds. But I'll find you later" I assure him. "You two help me get him to that bunch and remove his chest armor" I tell two guards. They do so and I remove the arrow heads. I immediately put pressure on the wounds ignoring the battle below. Once the bleeding stops I stitch both wounds.

I notice Faramir is breathing easier, but he is still unconscious. I sigh in relief, he'd make it. I head over to the wall and look at the battle below. Still no sign of Rohan and the others. But I see Gondor putting up a mighty fight as it's citizens run to the citadel for safety. I spotted Gandalf on top of the furthest wall, but can not spot Pippin. Hopefully he is staying close to Gandalf. I start to run for the outer wall to join them.

I arrive to see Gandalf, but no Pippin. I fight my way over to him. "Where's Pippin?" I demand.

"I sent him back to the citadel, this is no place for a hobbit. You should return also" he tells me.

"Not yet, I am going to tend to some wounded and gather others that can't be treated here. Then I shall take them back to the citadel for proper treatment" I tell him.

"You should be in the citadel tending injured citizens, not on the battle field" he tells me.

"Pippin is safe in the Citadel and Faramir will be ok. I'm needed here the most and you won't change my mind" I tell him. He grumbles as we continue to fight. He watches my back when I have to tend to someone's wound.

As dawn approaches I'm on the back of Shadow-fax as we ride through the city battling orcs. I'm exhausted, but I continue to fight. Until Pippin rushes over looking frantic. "Pippin, Gandalf told you to stay in the citadel" I tell him.

"But Freya, Denethor has lost his mind!" he shouts. We look at him confused. "He's burning Faramir alive!" he tells us.

"Come" Gandalf says and helps Pippin onto Shadow-fax. We then gallop through the city to the citadel. I'm cursing Denethor in my mind the whole way. His son is fine and will live. Shadowfax rounds a corner to face the Witch-King, mounted on his fell beast. Gandalf holds up his staff in defense.  "Go back to the abyss! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your master" Gandalf tells him.

I grab a knife. "Get out of our way!" I shout and throw it at the Witch King. It lodges into his shoulder and he howls in pain. "Now Shadow-fax" I say and he gallops below the beast dodging it's claws. We continue to the citadel.

We burst through the door to see Denethor on the top of a stack of wood Faramir below him. Both covered in oil. "Stop this madness!" Gandalf roars. The guards stop, but Denethor grabs a torch.

"You may triumph in the field of battle for a day, but against the power that has risen in the east, there is no victory" Denethor tells him. Denethor tosses the torch on the pyre. As the fire lights, Gandalf takes up a spear and charges Denethor, knocking him off the pyre.

Pippin and I jump off of Shadow-fax onto pyre. Together we roll Faramir off of it and jump down beside him. Pippin puts out a small fire on Faramir's leg. I look up to see Shadowfax knock Denethor onto the burning pyre. Faramir opens his eyes as I check his stitches he looks up at his father.

"Faramir... my son. Ah!" Denethor shouts. Engulfed in flames, Denethor runs out of the mausoleum. I see him go over the edge of the wall.

"So passes Denethor, son of Ecthelion" Gandalf says. "Come Pippin, we must go to the gate. Freya stay here and tend to the wounded" he tells us. I nod my head and hug Pippin.

"Becarful, I shall find you afterwards" I assure him.

"Then we'll find Merry" he says and I nod my head. He smiles and leaves with Gandalf. I look back down at Faramir, who is unconscious again.

"Someone put the pyre out and get Faramir to the healing house. He needs rest" I instruct.

"Yes healer" they say. They may out rank me in military situations. But when it comes to wounded, the healer out ranks everyone. Even a king.


Picture above of Freya.

Future chapters:

Victory and Next Move

Three Words

Attacking the Black Gate

Family Reunion and Coronation

Epilogue: Farewell

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