Party and Gone

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Freya's POV

The party is in full swing; the fireworks are going off and festivities are well underway. Some hobbits come in, staggering under the load of a huge birthday-cake, candles already lit. Others, including Frodo were dancing to the music played by the band. My friend Rosie made me and Joy dance with her & some of the hobbit children. We smile laughing having fun.

I notice Frodo's best friend Sam look at us and smile. I lock eyes with Frodo and nod to Sam. He smirks in understanding and sits beside Sam. I make Rosie turn around as Frodo pushes Sam over to us. He and Rosie collide as they start to dance together. Making Frodo and I laugh.

"Well done Frodo" I say as I sit beside him.

"Couldn't of done it without you Freya" he states smiling. As fireworks explode over the party field, a huge glittering umbrella in the night sky which changes into spears and whizzes away into the distance.I notice Uncle Bilbo telling some children his story about three trolls. I see Gandalf walk back to his cart to get more fireworks.

"Have you seen Merry and Pippin?" I ask Frodo.

"Not since the party started" he states.

"It's to quiet, they're up to something" I tell him.

"Relax and enjoy the party" he tells me. Before going over to our uncle and I head over to Gandalf. I was going to ask him if he'd seen the two pranksters. I reach him just as a large firework shoots into the sky taking a tent with it.

"Isn't that one of yours?" I ask Gandalf and he nods his head. We head over to where the tent used to be. We find two Hobbits, now covered in soot, gaze proudly at their accomplishment.I realize who they were and glare. I grab each of their ears before they could steal another of Gandalf's fireworks.

"Meriadoc Brandy-buck, and Peregrin Took. I might have known" Gandalf says as they look at us.

"You two couldn't behave for one night" I say. Then drag them over to the dishes. "You are to clean every single dish" I tell them. I then leave Gandalf to watch them do it as I went to see if anyone had been hurt. But no one was seriously hurt.

We all soon gathered under the party tree demanding a speech from Uncle Bilbo. Who stands on the platform smiling at all of us. "My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots" he says.

"Proudfeet" old Proudfeet corrects him and we all laugh.

"Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday!" Uncle Bilbo declares. We all yell wishing him a happy birthday. "Alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits" he states as the others cheer. "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve" he adds. There is a dead silence from the crowd. They gaze at each other blank-faced, trying to figure out if they were just insulted, as I see Gandalf smile.

"I, uh, I h-have things to do" he tells us and I see him fiddling with something behind his back. I see him whisper something none of us can hear. "I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell" he states. Then looks at Frodo and I mouthing 'goodbye' before disappearing into thin air. 

Frodo and I start to search for our uncle. When we couldn't find him we return to the house. "Bilbo, Uncle Bilbo" we call as we enter the house. We entered the house and Frodo notices something on the floor. While he picks it up I look at Gandalf who was smoking a pipe by the fire.

"He's gone hasn't he?" I ask him.

"He talked for so long about leaving. We didn't think he'd really do it" Frodo states.

"Gandalf" I say gently when he doesn't answer us.

"Bilbo's ring. He's gone to stay with the Elves. He's left you both Bag End..." he tells us. He then holds up an open envelope to Frodo who places the a ring inside it. "...along with all his possessions. The ring is yours now Frodo. Put it somewhere out of sight" he tells him. Gandalf gets up to leave, collecting his hat and staff.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"There are some things that I must see to" he states vaguely.

"What things?" Frodo and I ask together confused.

"Questions. Questions that need answering" he tells us.

"But you only just arrived" I remind him.

"We don't understand" Frodo adds. Gandalf stops and looks back at us, before focusing on Frodo.

"Neither do I, keep it secret. Keep it safe" he tells Frodo before leaving. Frodo and I look at the envelope in his hand.

"I think I'll make some tea" I say heading to the kitchen.

"Why don't we go to the bar?" Frodo suggests. "Sam, Pippin, and Merry will be there also" he states. I agree and he hides the envelope before we leave.


Picture above of Rosie.

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