Frustration (26)

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Jan's POV

It was the early morning, so it was a bit cold. I remembered I hadn't informed anyone of my trip, so I guessed that Kat had started looking for both of us. I hated to do that to her, she meant a lot to me.

The more I thought of AJ, the larger adrenaline shots came to me. The bitter morning air whipped my hair into my face, annoying me to the greatest extent. My fury brought me to my knees, as I picked up a sharp rock with tears on my face. I brought the rock to the back of my neck, and sliced.

My hair.

The clump of blond fell to the ground silently as a wash of relief and regret spread across me. I felt my hair to feel it was all cut off, and I had left only a rough 2 or so inch on my scalp. I placed my hair on a tree stump and left it. I would know it on my way home.



I heard it go off, I felt a sharp pain. How could i not be dead? I shook my head and glanced around me, only to see a sleek black haired girl standing right in front of me. Dressed in a long complementing black dress, her hair went down to her hips. She was REALLY attractive.

I couldn't deny the fact. I practically drooled as she paced around me.

"Sorry jan." I whispered under my breath.

"What?" She growled aggressively.

"I said nothing that matters to you." I said, cheeks reddening as her voice was so melodic.

I looked around the room to find the genderless figure standing behind her.

"And now." She said. "We talk."


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