Discovery (22)

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Adria's POV

I shook my head, waking myself up. I wish I didn't.

I looked around me to find only four cement walls and a cement floor. No windows, no furniture. About 4 meters wide.

"Where's the door?" I thought out loud, in confusion of how I even got there. Turns out I would've been okay without knowing. I looked up only to see my primary source of light; no roof. I immediately started to jump towards the corners, and to climb up the cement walls. Suddenly, I looked over to see a dark figure appearing over the edge.

The figure.

For the first time, I was able to see them clearly. The figure wore a black cloak covering any features that may enable me to have defined their gender. They had a bald head, gleaming against the sun. I wondered why they didn't bother to cover it.

Then the voice.

"I see you're enjoying your stay." The unrecognizable voice said in monotone.

"Why." I started. "Why cement. Why no roof. WHY ME??!" I yelled in anger in pain at the dreaded figure.

"Mmm. I see it had annoyed you already. There is no roof. It gives you pain because you can't escape. But you will die with the pain of knowing you should've been able to." The figure said before a brief pause.

"It also makes it easier to shoot at you." At random, roughy six bullets tore through the air and hit the wall next to me.

"Just kidding. The boss wants you unharmed. But that was fun."

And with that they turned and walked away.

Now I knew I was underground.


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