A Decision (24)

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Jan's POV

"We must start the surgery as soon as possible to stop the spread." Sam urged me, but I persisted.

"No, I will wait. I must wait until I've found my... An important person in my life." I immediately scolded myself for not just saying it, I wasn't afraid of my sexuality.

She sighed, and gave up.

"I cannot perform surgery on an unwilling patient. But first you must understand this is extremely risky. If it spreads, you can get the cancer elsewhere in your body. January,
people die from cancer."

I shook my head.

"I will wait. Now I must go." I stood up, gathered my things, and flew out of the hospital.

"Kat." I said into my phone.

"Hey." Kat wheezed. Before I could say anything else she interrupted me.

"Look, I gotta tell you something. Nobody knows where she is. The authorities are looking for her. She's..." Kat paused.

"Jan... she's gone."


It had been a full day now. I decided I would do what they do in Alcatraz movies. I had a scratch down the wall marking the whole day Id been there. I had found a house key in my pocket, I used it for that. In the morning, they would throw down a hard piece of bread and a plastic container holding water. Same thing in the evening. I was underground in this cement building, but only a bit. There was no roof, so I could see the sky. The top of the box was just at the surface of the earth.

During the evening and in the rain, they had a plastic shell that covered the prison cube I was in. I was given a thin blanket and a sweater, I guess to prevent hypothermia. I still felt frozen however, and fear. I was afraid.

It was exceedingly boring in there, I had nothing to do except sing. So I sat there, singing quietly, thinking of all the times I'd complained because of slow wifi or staring at my closet full of clothes moaning I have nothing to wear. The emptiness Id felt from skipping breakfast was nothing to be compared to what I felt now. But even worse was knowing I wasn't at the lowest. There where people starving more than me, freezing more than me, and more alone than me. The days I spent in that cube would change me forever.

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