Hospital again (19)

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Just kidding.

Very nearly ended though. I got her to the hospital and immediately Clara came to my side. Her professional training allowed her to remove the pen safely from Kats side. But Clara could not stop the ink from entering her blood stream. We were almost certain this would give her skin cancer. We had to leave Kat in the hospital until we knew she would or would not be okay.



I felt it. I swear I felt it. I flipped around, only to see the normal streets of British Columbia I was used to. But I felt a presence with my sixth sence. And I was not going to let it go.


Jan's POV

My head again. The pulsing, stabbing feeling freaked me out as it spread to my forehead. I grabbed more Advil and downed some water. Still there. I brushed it off, stood up, and prepared for the day to come. It was pretty special. Ones 17th birthday is a pretty cool time. Especially with ones girlfriend to look forward to.



There she was. I could see her very clearly. She whipped around, but with my training I was able to move fast enough to miss her gaze. Her eyes scanned the bland street for a minute, then passed. Id have to be more careful. My cover was nearly blown.


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