A new feeling (10)

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Jan's POV

I went down to the gift shop to get a kitkat chunky and a latte to calm my nerves. What? I eat when I'm stressed okay? Or all the time. Whatever. I got called back to her room about forty minutes later. As I went up, my gut feeling wasn't pleasant. I didn't know what to think.

I spoke with the doctors for a while. It all bubbled down to this

•she was alive.

•during some checks, they discovered lucemia in her left leg

•I needed to give immediate permission to amputate

My breath hitched.

"Can I at least see her?"

I stepped into AJs room, wandered over to her bed. I sat down, she was asleep. I looked at her left leg. I knew I had to say yes before it spread. I just didnt want to be the one. I had to though, so I planted a kiss on her cheek and walked over to the doctors.

I breathed in. Grabbed the pen, and signed the paper.


I couldn't leave her alone overnight, I had to stay. I didn't sleep, just stayed in the hall. No phone, no talk, just standing. Finally, at 7 am, one of the receptionists guided me to AJs room, ensuring me that the cancer was contained and she was completely fine. I stopped outside, and stepped in. AJ was lying in the bed they transferred her to, only eyes open. She had an array of doctors doing various tests on her. I stepped over to her and enveloped her in my arms. She was cold. She flashed a weak smile at me and I hugged tighter. I pulled away, and held her hand. Smiling and choking back tears.

"So." I said.

"How does it feel to be an amputee slash cancer survivor?"

She smiled.

"Goddamn heroic."


Jan's POV

"Okay, easy, are you sure you're ready?" I asked.

AJ rolled her eyes.

"I'm completely fine mother." She joked.

I handed her her crutches, and held out my hand. She pushed off the bed, wobbly at first, then gaining her balance. There was a comfortable silence for a while, then AJ took a step forward, Cringing at the feel of the metal replacement of left leg. After a few hours of slow progress, Adria was able to walk 6 steps on her new prosthetic leg. I was so impressed. But not surprised, she was motivated. And I was happy for that.

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