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A person have many comfort foods. Mine is desserts. Many people have desserts and ice-cream as comfort food.

I am dead is the thought running in my mind. I tried to escape the angry tiger silently growling in front of me. I slowly turned and about to run I the opposite direction when I am pulled back with a tug and collided with him.

"How dare you", he growled in my ear. I shivered with the breath of his near my ear. "You are going to regret coming in front of me. I am going to make your life hell for embarrassing me", he growled.

I trembled because of the intensity of the words. "Look Mr. I am not sorry for what I did. I did that because you disgraced me and used some crude words. I accidentally came in in front of your car because I was trying to save the dog's life. So it's not my fault that I have more humanity than you", I praised myself for not stammering in between my speech.

He left my hand. I turned around to face him and once again struck by his dreamy blue eyes. I shook my head to remove the thoughts I have about him. Focus Avni, he is your enemy though a beautiful and handsome enemy. I came out of my thoughts when heard him increase his damn voice.

"Hello are you listening to me. god! I think this girl is crazy. Maybe she escaped from an asylum", he continued.

"Hey I am not crazy and I think you are the crazy one here shouting as if I am a mile away when I am only few meters away from you", I replied to his rambling feeling myself getting angry because of his harsh words.

"How dare you call me crazy. Do you know who I am? I can make your life a hell by speaking in this way to me", he roared in front of my face.

"I don't care who you are. Even though how great you maybe I don't bow down to those who don't care about others", I snarled at him.

"Don't you dare rise your voice at me. I know your type of girls they do anything to get into the attention of rich members, seduce them and get money from them. I know how you middle class girls are", he raised his hand then some money is placed in his hand by the person who looks like a bodyguard. "Here take this money and don't try to get any other rich person by telling some crazy stories and get the hell out off my face", he shoved the money into my hands and tuned to leave.

"Mr. Goenka, wait a minute", I replied and approached him. I placed the money in his hands.

"I think you are gonna need this more than I do", I replied in a sweet voice . I saw his face morph into confusion. I took a step back, took the stone and threw it at his windshield. The glass broke into million pieces because of the force I used.

He was shocked would be an understatement. His mouth was parted with awe. I should leave before the beast comes to his senses and get angry on me. I carefully lifted my bike ignoring the pain and started it.

"Bye Mr. Goenka, hope to never see you in my life", I gave my farewell and didn't turn back and left that place feeling satisfied with myself that I made the jerk taste his own medicine.

I stopped at mechanic shop and gave him the bike because of the damage caused to it. He told me that it may take a day to repair the bike so I left it there and called my bestfriend Akshaya. She was shocked by seeing me would be an understatement. She took me to the hospital for getting my hand checked after convincing her that I'll tell her everything.

After reaching the hospital the doctor checked my hand and told me that it's just a sprain and will reduce in two days. He gave me some spray to apply and some painkillers to reduce the pain. We reached bakery and Anu almost had an heart attack after i told her about my accident. She didn't allow me to work and kept Akshaya as my bodyguard from preventing me from doing it.

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