Bonus chapter

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This chapter is fast paced and you will see characters from my next book.

I wanted to write this chapter in my next book but many weren't happy with the ending so to satisfy you guys, here is the bonus chapter.


It has been five months since the kidnapping of Avni's and Abhi's daughter took place. Everyone was lost and didn't know what to do. There are three people who were most affected by this. Abhi felt like he lost his life, because he was unable to protect his kid. He was even unable to get sleep for a few hours, when he closes his eyes all he sees is his wife crying her heart out and the image of his new born child in the worst condition. The dreams changed, making him worried for her child's life. He used all his means to find his baby girl but he is slowly losing his hope on it.

While one is trying to keep everyone together, the other one fell apart. Avni, she never hoped that she will have a kid of her own and she was happy to have Diya in her life. But when she got to know that she will have a baby, that she gets to see her child grow and hold her close, she was over the moon. Even then she knew that she would love Diya and her child equally. Avni just wanted to be part of a child's life from the beginning and she missed it with Diya. She had many dreams and plans but all those were shattered when she lost her baby.

During the first week, Avni waited for Abhi to come home with good news but when she didn't get any news, she slowly started closing herself off. Now, after these months she never leaves her room and never speaks a word. All she does is take a bath and have a few spoons of food and sit ideally staring at the trees. She never responds to others. She is becoming like a statue as the day goes on.

The third person affected by this is Diya. Diya was happy that she would get a sister to play with her. Diya wanted to be a good big sister and asked her friends what to do. She was excited that she would have someone to play with. Diya went to hospital with her grandmother, she was excited to see her sister. She didn't know why the baby took so long to come, but she was coming finally. They didn't allow Diya to meet the baby once the baby came out. She was not allowed to touch the baby, but just looked at her. She was curious and asked her father about it.

"Why is my sister in there?" She asked Abhi pointing towards the glass tube where the baby was lying with all the wires covering the small body.

"Your sister is a little weak and the doctors are helping her to get better. Once she gets better we can take her home with us." Her father tried to make the little one understand.

"When she come home, I protect her." Diya was proud that she is going to look after her sister. After that day she didn't get to see her sister again.

When she tried to question others about it, she didn't get any reply and diverted her with another thing. She was living with her grandparents but they were not playing with her and she started to miss her parents.

"Dadi, when I go to Dada." Diya asked her grandmother one day, all she got in reply is that after some days.

The young mind is thinking of the worst possibilities, in her mind she is thinking that after her sister came home her parents didn't want her anymore. Even though Diya didn't ask others about this but as the days went by her doubts grew and she thought her parent's really didn't want her.

It took a month and a phone call for Abhi to lose his hopes completely. He got a call from the police station. 

On reaching the police station, Abhi was escorted inside and met the officer in charge.

"What news do you have for me?" Abhi asked as he shook hands with the officer.

"Sir, it has been months and we searched all hospitals. Since, the condition of the baby is not good, we searched for possible hospitals that provide life support for infants," Abhi held his breath as he waited for the news. "Sorry to tell this to you sir, we think that your daughter is no more and we are closing the case." Abhi signed the required documents without any opposition. He left hopes on searching for her a long time back, he can't forget about her but he has a wife and daughter to look after and he can do it only if he can leave the past behind.

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