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"We need to search for a happy ending in a sad ones."

Four months later

Abhi Goenka

Life has been amazing for the past four months. My hands are full with work. I had office work to take care of and to look after my pregnant wife along with a toddler is never an easy task. On top of that, Avni wanted to move to the house after the baby was born. 

I was over the moon when Avni forgave me. I know it was not easy for her to forget the things I called her but she wants to move forward and I will treat her like a queen, my queen. 

"Abhi!" I heard her calling me and I left the file I am reading on the table and rushed to her.

"Abhi, come fast." I ran to the living room. I was afraid, hearing her shout my name is enough to get me worked up.

I ran as fast as I could and stood in front of her. "What happened?" I asked her, she was sitting on our new couch eating popcorn. Seeing me she looked at me, removing her eyes from the television.

"Look, the baby is cute right?" She motioned towards the show she was watching. I sat beside her with a huff, relieved that nothing serious happened to her.

It has been the same for the past two months. She will call me for silly things but I get panicked whenever she calls me or shouts my name. 

"I was worried about you." I exclaimed in a small voice and she noticed. She shifted her attention towards me.

"Why are you worrying about everything?" She leaned towards me and placed her head on my shoulder. "You are being too cautious." She murmured softly. I laid my head on top of hers and took her hand in mine.

"You can't blame me. I told you that we will move to this house after your delivery but you are hell bent on moving in a week." I said in frustration. I want her to have a happy pregnancy and not stress about these things. "We are far away from your doctor also, if there is an emergency we may not reach in time," I said in a small voice.

She slowly moved her head away and I looked at her. She has a serious expression on her face. "Did you get the call again?" Even though her facial expressions were serious there was concern and worry in her eyes. 

I should have never told her about the calls but because of the promises I made I didn't want to hide things from her. "Yes, but this isn't related to her." I said wanting to close the topic but she will never allow it.

"Abhi, she is your aunt. She has been hogging you to meet her for two months." I turned my face to the other side, not wanting to listen to her support for her. "Abhi,look here." She forced me to look at her, once she got my attention she started speaking. "It is not healthy for you to keep the conversation pending. You have something to tell her then go and meet her. End this chapter for good." I tried to control my emotions but it slipped and I knew that Avni saw it.

"Look! Even Aarav visited her once in the jail. After that day, he was more free as if he got rid of all the bad things." 

"Fine, I will think about it." I replied wanting her to stop about this. "Can we move here after the baby is here?" I tried to distract her but she is intelligent.

She stared at me hard and laid her head on my shoulder. "No and now look at this. Isn't she cute?" She pointed in the television's direction. I sighed at her and looked towards the thing she was pointing at.

"She is cute. But our baby will be more cute than her." I pulled her close to me as she hummed in agreement.

"I agree."

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