XXXV. Damini

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"Don't force your love on a person because you will be the one suffering in the long run."

Life, a trickier name with the trickiest meaning to it. We face many problems in it along with some solutions, that we need to discover to solve our problems. I got a problem and a solution to it, I felt as if my body was present in the office and my mind was still reeling in yesterday's incidents.

I faced a lot of things yesterday starting from facing Abhi's disappointment in me to getting demoted. Meeting a stranger whose name I don't know to become his friend and the toughest one was facing Abhi's uncle, Vinay. My mind was still fresh from the things he told me yesterday, I remember everything and it made my day worse.

"Uncle." He turned towards me after hearing my voice. His face was all tensed and he looked as if he aged many years.

" Avni." Even though I met him only a few times, I knew that he didn't commit a mistake by his voice. His voice didn't hold any regret instead it had sadness and guilt in it.

"I didn't do anything. But I didn't prevent others from doing those things to you." He took a deep breath and continued. "I was there when your parents died and saw you that night when you ran from your house. I made a deal with them and hid you from the public with the help of my brother. I thought marrying you with Abhi might change their heart and treat you good but I am wrong. They started targeting you again and this time my hands are tied."

His eyes held unshed tears in them. I felt a sense of respect grow towards him. He tried to protect me from others.

"They threatened me with something and I can't take a chance in it. I took the blame put on me silently." He stopped speaking and his shoulders shook with silent sobs. I approached him slowly and placed my hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. He looked at me when he felt my touch.

"I tried my best to protect you Avni. But now I am unable to." His eyes held a lot of pain and sympathy towards me.

I felt bad towards the man standing in front of me, even though he knew who killed my parents he tried to keep me alive and out of their way. He took the blame for something he didn't do and now his family has abandoned him.

"Who is it, uncle?" He looked into my eyes, his eyes held uncertainty. I understood him completely and I tried to reassure him.

"Uncle I understand it. You can tell me their names and I will take care of them. And I will not let them know that you gave me their name. It's my promise." He looked into my eyes and slowly nodded his head, he opened his mouth to speak but some sound caught our attention making us glance up at my friends whose eyes were hard. I knew that they heard everything and were eager to find the person who made me suffer all my life and bring them to their knees.

"Uncle, if you want to share this with me, I can send them out. And I promise you that no one will know where I got this information from." Uncle nods his head after a moment. I signal for Akky and Nihal to leave us alone. Akky left after giving staring at her uncle for a moment.

" I will be outside. Call me if you need anything." Saying that Nihal left us alone.

"Tell me," I urged him in a soft voice. Now my heart started beating fast, I don't want to know who killed my parents and sit idle. But I remembered my promise to him.

"I believe in you Avni. Don't break my promise, or I will lose my son forever." Now understood why he kept quiet yesterday. It involved Aarav and it was his responsibility to protect his son and I will never blame him for it.

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