XI. Cancer

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Here are some aesthetics about Avni and Abhi.

Here are some aesthetics about Avni and Abhi

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I removed all the files and placed them on the ground while coughing. I am allergic to dust, and I have this stupid task assigned to me. After removing the files, I left the room to get some fresh air. I coughed frequently because of the dust. I wiped the sweat off my face and leaned against the wall beside the door. Just then, Karthik sir came out of his room. He saw me leaning against the wall. I found pity in his eyes. He came towards me.

"What are you doing here Ms. Arya?"

"Mr. Goenka ordered me to clean this room", I mumbled in a low voice already exhausted.

"But it is not your job. You were supposed to take a day off today."

"No, sir. I can manage", I was determined to complete this work. I want to prove my strength to him.

Karthik sir sighed. "Ok, I'll not stop you. It is up to you. Did you sign the contract?"

I completely forgot about it. I signaled for him to wait a minute and went inside the room. I forgot where I kept it. I saw that paper on the desk. I came out and observed Karthik sir, as he was answering a call. He is dedicated to this company and especially to his employer.

I patiently waited until he answered the call. After he ended the call, I handed him the contract papers. "I have signed this. I have no doubts regarding this. Just inform me how many days we will be staying here".

He took the papers and nodded his head. "Make the preparations to leave in a week. I'll inform this to Sir". He turned to leave.

"Can you tell me where I can find cleaning supplies?"

"I will send a person here to help you with cleaning". He left me there waiting for the person to arrive and help me. "Karthik sir is not as cruel as he looks". I heard a response and blushed that I thought aloud.

"He is not cruel at all dear. He is the kindest person in this company." A woman in her mid-thirties came to me.

"Sorry mam, I shouldn't have said that."

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