XXXI. Erupt

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"You didn't listen to me when I tried to explain, I know I did a mistake by hiding it, atleast give me a chance to prove my love to you."


I didn't know the feeling when you drown till now

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I didn't know the feeling when you drown till now. I heard that when you are immersed in water, the struggling will make it hard, as we use all our energy trying to stay above the water, we get our energy drained and fall deep into depths of water. The water enters our body painfully stopping each organic functionality. We can feel the life draining out of us. It was the same feeling my heart feels, and it was drowning deep into the water, I hit the rock bottom and the pain made me miserable.

My head was throbbing but the pain in my heart dominated it. I was still in the same position. I didn't know how long I stayed like that on the ground staring at the gate and still wishing that Abhi might come back and pull me up from the water to save me from the pain. I waited there in that position, for him to hear me and come back to me. This pain is worst, I didn't feel this when my parents died nor when I ran with my little feet to save my life.

I slowly tried to get up, my legs didn't support me causing me to fall back on the ground with a gasp. I can feel the pain in my knees from the impact, so I stayed on my knees. My heart was crying for me, but I couldn't force the tears in my eyes. Then I heard the thunder, followed by rain. The rain started falling heavily soaking me. The water fell on my face as I looked up into the sky. The sky thundered and the rain started heavily. It seemed like the sky was crying for me.

I bent my head low, letting the rain do all the crying. The blood from my forehead fell along with rain cleaning the wound. I thought that my mom and dad were making the rainfall telling me that they are with me. At that moment, that was enough for me. The reassurance that everything will be fine.

I slowly got up from my place when the rain subsided. I took small yet painful steps into our house or which was our house. I approached the door and the people inside stopped speaking when they heard me enter the room.

"Avni." Someone tried to approach me but I didn't want to meet anyone and I don't care who called me. I walked straight ignoring others. I slumped down on the couch.

"Avni, you are bleeding. Meera go and get some first-aid." I wanted to protest and tell them that I deserve the pain. In comparison to Abhi's pain, mine seemed small. But I didn't even have the energy to protest, I wanted to be left alone.

Someone sat beside me and held my hand. I didn't want anyone to touch me nor did I wish to open my mouth, so I kept silent looking at the door, waiting for him to come back.

Someone came and stood in front of me blocking my view. I looked up at the intruder and found Meera ma looking at me with tears in her eyes. I looked down at my hand when I felt a squeeze to it. I looked at the person holding my hand it was papa. He was looking at me with pity in his eyes. I didn't want to see pity, I am strong and can definitely handle myself. I jerked my hand away from him he looked shocked by my action but didn't say a word.

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