V. Joyous

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Games. A mode to clear our mind out of our thoughts. Share here the games you play. I like to play time management games on my mobile often. 

Hey guys, I will like to make it clear that Aarav is actually cousin to Abhi. Aarav is son of Abhi's father's brother. Sorry if it is confusing.


I ignore the two dumb-wits and order James to get the car repaired. Man, it is one of my favorite car. We all get into the security vehicle and start to go for my aunt's house.

"Man, Look at this video. How is dadi going to like it", Rohan asks me showing the video.

It is really funny but I'll never admit it to them. "Just look how she humiliated me and also broke my windshield, I am going to find her and torture her", I tell them watching the video and wince when she breaks the glass. I call Karthik from passenger seat.

"Yes, Mr. Goenka?", Karthik turns back looking at me.

"Take this video and I want all details about her by tomorrow", I tell him and hand him the phone.

"But bhai that is stalking", Aarav mumbles.

"I don't care she started this by doing that things and I am going to get my revenge", I reply.

"Bhai any girl will not go to that lengths just like that. You should not have insulted her like that. Every girl has some self-respect bhai", he starts educating me.

"Enough Aarav, I am the adult here and you don't know about middle-class people. They are all same, will do anything for money", I cut Aarav with a serious look.

"But Abhi every girl is not same. You cannot judge others with one bad experience. Give a chance to at least one person in your life", Rohan tells me.

I scoff at him because it is the most ridiculous thing I have heard." I have not one but enough experience to last so don't worry. And for the right girl, I don't have any expectations and a girl in my life", I reply.

"But I think you my brother met the match of your life", he replies and starts chatting with Aarav about college.

I am lost in my for the total journey thinking about a particular brown-eyed girl.

We reach the house in 15 minutes and I get down the car not waiting for others and go to the house ignoring the calls by my family members. As I open my bedroom door I hear her call and stop pushing the door and turn towards her.

"Munna, come here and great your old woman or you forgot about me", my grandmother calls me.

"Dadi, Just give me a minute. I'll freshen up and come to you", I reply and try to go to the room.

"Munna what happened to you. You have all mud over your face and shirt", she sees my dress and comes near me and checks me for any wounds.

"Dadi your Munna is fine. He just bad mouthed a girl and got her reaction", Aarav states from the stairs.

"And dadi you must see this video", Rohan says enthusiastically and comes and stands near my dadi and shows her the video.

I grumble and leave to my room leaving them to fill her with all rubbish. I'll set them right after I freshen up. I remove my clothes and throw them in hamper. I take a shower and change into some loose track pants . I check my reflection and go to the living room.

"And dadi see it is epic. You should have been there to see that", Aarav narrates the incident.

"Yes dadi you should have been there. You missed an epic show", Rohan also joins explain dadi.

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