XLIII. Hostage

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"There will be many situations in life where your identity will be questioned. But know this, you are the same person before anything happened."

"I must be the one to threaten you Avni. Do as I say and your daughter will be safe!" After hearing those words, Diya's face flashed in front of my eyes. She might be thinking that she was spending time with her grandmother but in reality, she was in danger and I need to protect her.

"I will do as you say, please don't harm her," I begged her. Aj immediately sat down and started doing something on the laptop. I hope that it will help us.

"I like to see you pleading with me and begging me. We have many things to discuss. Get the evidence you found and come out of the house, you will meet Seema there. Hand her the evidence along with your phone. She will bring you near me; I can't wait to meet you. Don't try to act smart and come alone, I shouldn't see the boy anywhere near you. See you in my place, darling," she cut the call.

My life is falling apart, Abhi is in hospital and she has Diya near her. I lost the battle. However, I will save them both by sacrificing my life for them.

"Aj, give me that pen drive," I asked him. He removed it from the laptop and came towards me.

"Little one, remember this. I will not allow anyone to harm you. I will protect you at all costs," he pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tightly. I returned the embrace needing to feel comfort.

I want to cry out aloud but I kept it in. "I loved the time I spent with you. Even though we knew each other for a short time, I really hoped that we would have some more time. But I guess this is life, always throwing us out of our track," he moved out of my embrace and looked at me while I was speaking.

"Why does this feel like you are telling me your goodbye?" Because it is one.

"I want you to tell Anu that I am thankful to have her as my guardian, tell her that I am grateful for the lessons she thought me. Tell her that I wanted to do many things and make her proud but never got the chance. Tell her to take good care of her. Tell Akshaya that she is my sister and I always looked up to her. Tell Nihal to take care of her and not to feel guilty," I took the pen drive and reached the door.

"Don't you have anything to tell for Abhi?" His question made me want to cry and go to the hospital. I want to see his face one time.

I swallowed the lump formed in my throat. "Tell him that I love him, and tell him to be less angry," I thought about his anger. How his face would twist! A frown would form on his face, I loved to see those different emotions swirling in his eyes.

"You can tell him all that yourself, once this thing is done," his voice brought me back from my dream.

I turned towards him, Aj stood there in front of me with his hands in his pocket. He looked cool as if I was going on a vacation. Maybe he might have assumed that I was going for negotiation that might have been. I don't want to tell him the truth and make him sad, he might even follow me if he knows why I was leaving.

"I don't want you following me. Even for the less time, I knew you; I had many memories with you. Thank you for providing me with them. Have a good life," with those parting words, I came out of the house.

I slipped the pen drive into my front pocket as I walked towards the gate. I was lost in my thoughts thinking about how Anu would feel. I was handing myself over to the villain in my life without a fight. But when the matter comes to Diya's safety I don't care though. I know that Abhi will be devastated once he finds me missing, but he will be sadder after finding what his aunt did.

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