XXXIII. Secretary

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A stranger in a life can bring you happiness or scatter your life into pieces.

There will be a situation in your life where you will be stunned and unable to think of anything. In short, your brain freezes and there will be no words escaping from your mouth. I was in that condition when I heard about it.

It felt like I was getting these kinds of brain freezes a lot and definitely, they were not the good ones. I think everyone is thinking of surprising Avni.

"Did he really tell that?" Were the words that left my mouth when I came out of my shocked state.

"Yes, and you should report to him. He would like to have a word with you." Karthik nodded his head towards the closed door of my new boss and went back to his work.

"Oh, I would love to have a word with him," I mumbled and cracked my knuckles.

I placed my hand on the door handle and stopped for a second. I closed my eyes and thought of some possibilities.

I have two options in front of me.

One, I can barge in without knocking and get a good scolding as he hates being interrupted.

Two, I can knock and wait for his reply. It may give me some brownie points while speaking with him.

I pondered over the two possibilities I have and choose the second one. I knocked on the door and waited for his reply.

"Come in." I pushed the door open and went inside. I closed the door behind me and stood in front of his desk.

I observed him as he was working on some papers. There were no hangover symptoms on his face. He looked mighty fine dressed in a blue suit. The color suited him a lot. His hair fell over his forehead; he looked devastatingly beautiful without even trying.

He lifted his head after a moment and I stared right into his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes held no emotion but the sunlight in the background made his eyes shine. I was lost in them that I forgot what I wanted to tell him.

He cleared his throat, and I observed him stare at my forehead for a moment. I looked at him waiting for him to speak. I expected some reaction from him but all I got was a blank stare and an accusing look for looking at him secretly. I was not embarrassed; I can stare at my husband as long as I wish.

"Yes sir," I asked him with a sweet smile on my face when he didn't respond for a long time. He glared at me but I kept the innocent look on my face.

He threw a file making me glance at the poor folder. "Take this file. I want you to run a background check on everyone. Check the information you got with the information we got on them. Then make a report of your own. I want it by the evening." He informed me without lifting his head. I tried to open my mouth but he beat me to it.

"What are you doing here? Take this file and leave! Get me my coffee in five minutes." He said glaring at me. I got startled with his loud voice and nodded my head.

"Yes sir. I will get it in five minutes." I took the file and rushed towards the door. I place my hand on the handle and stop for a second.

Why did I listen to him? I am not his assistant! God, his commanding tone will have me running in the opposite direction without any second thought. But I was determined to get some answers from him.

I turned and stomped towards his desk. He looked at me with blank eyes. We kept staring at each other; I didn't blink my eyes and kept glaring back at his blue eyes. Slowly, I got lost in the beauty of his eyes. They reminded me of the ocean. Like an admirer of it, I got lost in its depth.

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