XVI. Fun time

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As a human being and a father to be exact I can accept many things except hurting my daughter, I will not allow that thought. But it goes on happening in my life, I want my daughter to have a life where she can be judged by her skills and I will not stop till I get it.

"Is she an illegitimate child?" That question hurt me more than others, I know Diya will not remember this but I cannot forget that question in my life. After listening to those words, my blood boiled and I was seething in anger. I handed Diya to Avni, I caught the reporter collar and started shouting at him.

"What did you call my daughter? You bastard!" I was about to swing my fist in his direction when someone caught hold of my wrist before it can punch the reporter. I looked up and saw James stopping me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Rohan, they prevented me before I can cause damage.

"You need to control your anger, Diya is getting afraid by seeing you." At his words, I looked in Diya's direction and found her crying. I went running to my daughter and hugged her, she patted me on my back.

"Dada, I afaid you angry, no angry dada," she reprimands me softly. I chuckled at that with tears in my eyes. I closed my eyes to control my emotion. I opened them and saw Avni looking at me with a look I can't describe.

"Thank you," I mouthed the words to her feeling grateful to have her presence and she nodded her head in response. Papa, Vinay uncle, Rohan and Karthik surrounded us keeping this moment private from the prying eyes. I nodded at them and handed Diya to Avni.

"Ready to charm the people, baby." Diya nodded her head shyly and we faced the world together as a family.

"I did not expect this behavior from you people, how can you call a kid that word? Don't you guys have any ethics! I called her here to give you some information about my daughter but you guys have no patience. I wanted to give you all details regarding her birth, but it will be stated in the statement released by our company." I sighed and signaled to Diya, I explained to her what to tell this morning.

"Hello, Me Dia. I three-year-old, I lowe my dada." She said shyly waving at the reporters and all of them cooed at her words and Diya blushed and hid her face in Avni's neck.

"You all need to know about her is, she is Diya and she is mine and not Ms. Rajput. But we will her good life, so consider this warning, if anyone tried to go near my daughter you can consider yourself dead." I said in a commanding tone and everyone looking nervous, I placed my hand on Avni's lower back and escort her outside.


I felt myself getting angry at the reporter's words, I was about to teach that person a lesson but Abhi took care of it, my admiration for him grew and I felt proud of him. I admire the father and daughter bond, I envied it. I felt happy that Diya had a father who will fight with the whole world for her.

We all went into Abhi's cabin and found Aarav waiting there, we sat and everyone gathered inside. There was a lot of tension in the room, Diya was sitting in my lap analyzing the situation and looking at everyone's face.

"Diya, are you hungry?" I asked her and she nodded and rubbed her stomach.

"Ah, my princess is hungry. How about we fill it up and have some yummy cakes." She squealed and nodded her head eagerly. But her mood was spoiled instantly.

"No, we can't go out in this situation."

"We are going to our bakery and we can have some lunch there, she needs this," I said nodding towards her but that stubborn man did not budge.

"No." I noticed everyone looking at me waiting for my comeback. I got an idea and placed Diya down.

"Sorry Diya, you cannot come dada said no. Come on Aarav, Rohan we will go and have some lunch. We will have burgers, French fries, and some coke. For dessert we will have some ice cream and chocolate cake, I will make it. I am an excellent baker. Bye Diya." I looked at Diya and she was pleading me with her eyes, she has an exciting look in her eyes. I looked at confused Rohan and signaled towards Diya. He realized and nodded his head.

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