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"The base of any relationship is not from the blood it's from the love and affection."

Some decisions make bring us happiness but there will be a burden. You must bear it with each decision you make.

I decided to take a DNA test. I want to confirm it before I think of anything. After speaking to Aarav yesterday, I understood that it will be best if he will be with his family not knowing the truth. He will be happy with them, but to satisfy my heart I want to take a DNA test. Somewhere, in my heart, I hope that he had nothing to do with me; if he is not related to me directly then everything will be normal. My father didn't cheat on mom, I can conclude that Damini created her own story out of her obsession. I can start a new chapter in my life.

I slept with the thoughts running in my mind on how to conduct the test.

I felt something poking me in my nose, I wrinkled my nose and rubbed it with the back of my hand. I tried to go back to my dreams land, but something poked my nose again. This time I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but I heard quite giggles from beside me. I sneezed and slowly opened my eyes. I found Diya beside me with her hair near my nose.

"You little devil," I attacked her and started tickling her until she was out of breath.

"S-stop i-it, m-mama," I ignored her pleas and continued my assault on her.

"Say sorry and that you will never do it again," I ordered and she obeyed me.

"S-sworry, no d-do i-it." Once I was satisfied with her answer, I left her and lay beside her. She snuggled deep into me and placed her head on my chest. I felt her breath on my cheeks as she tried to regain her breathing. I massaged her hair as she slept there as we enjoyed the silence.

I wish to have mornings like this, we will have quarrels and snuggles. I don't want to change anything now, except to wish for Abhi to be beside me. We will be complete as a family and can have happiness in our lives.

"Princess, shall we go and see your dada?" She mumbled a yes and went back to sleep. I smiled as I heard her soft snores.

I slowly moved her away from me and laid her on the bed. I adjusted the pillow beside her so that she can't roll down. Once satisfied with my work, I went inside the washroom to freshen up.

I saw the reflection in the mirror, my face looked tired and weary. I think I didn't sleep properly and need to have a good sleep soon, for now, I need to cover it with concealer. I splashed water on my face and brushed my teeth. After having a long bath, I was ready for the day. I was dressed in a sleeveless knee-length floral dress. I paired it with a jacket, and I left my hair down. My face was covered with foundation, as I didn't want others to notice my tiredness.

I climbed back into the bed and tried to wake Diya. "Princess, wake up." She mumbled something incoherent and went back to sleep.

"Ok, I will come and wake you after the breakfast is ready." I came out of the room and went to the kitchen. On my way, I found papa and ma, in the living room. I greeted them and touched their feet.

"Good morning, beta. Did you have a good sleep?" Ma asked once I took the seat beside her.

"Yes, I had a good sleep. I will go to the hospital and check on Abhi first. I am going to take Diya with me, when will you guys, come?"

Papa answered me. "We will come in an hour, I need to go to the police station and check a few things there. After that work, we both will come together." I nodded my head in understanding, I also need to pay her visit but I think that needs to wait until I get the test reports.

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