IX. Job

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Happy mother's day to all the mother's out there.


"Why are you shouting woman", Abhi grumbled annoyingly. 

"What do you mean by taking me to your place? Are you trying to get into my pants? It will not work. So better forget about those thoughts. And I know karate", Avni said with fake confidence in her words. 

"Ya, you proved it back there", he said without thinking for a second. And felt a pang when he saw her fallen expression. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to I-I j-", Abhi stumbled on his words not knowing what to tell. 

"It's ok", Avni said. But Abhi didn't find her okay. He tried to think of things so that he can start a conversation. 

"What are your future plans?", he asked suddenly startling her. 

"I actually applied for higher education. But I want to do job now", Avni mumbles feeling sad remembering the party.

"Which position are you interested to work for?" Abhi questioned noticing her sad expression.

"I would like to work in something related to business. I always wanted to start my own company", Avni said excitedly with a twinkle in her eyes which Abhi noticed.

"Would you like to be my secretary", Abhi asked the next instant without thinking for a second. Avni looked startled at that question and started laughing thinking that he was joking.

"I am not joking. I am serious. In business field you should start at some level. As you learn things you can go higher. I am offering you", Abhi said.

Avni nodded at that serious in thoughts. It would help her learning about business. That too in her company. 

"When should I join?", Avni asked without second thoughts. 

"Wow, that much fast. I was here thinking of bribing you with salary and extra benefits", Abhi exclaimed in shock.

"Mmm, I don't want extra salary. But I might want those extra benefits", Avni replied smugly.

"Ok. We will talk about this tomorrow. You should sign some papers. And I want you sober while doing that", Abhi mumbled the last part not wanting to offend her.

"I heard that. I am not drunk by the way", Avni said.

"Ok. And may I know why you went to a club and didn't have a drink", Abhi asked feeling curious.

 "I am not comfortable speaking about it", Avni replied trying to not remember about the incident that made her this way.

"Where do you live", Avni asked wanting to forget about it. Abhi understood that and let her be.

"I have a penthouse suit here in our hotel", Abhi replied.

"Congrats, For becoming the CEO of the company", Avni said. To which Abhi's hold on the steering wheel tightened.

"You are not happy about it", Avni stated as a matter of fact after observing him. "May I know the reason?", Avni asked in a low voice.

"You know, I generally don't speak to strangers easily. But I feel like I know you for a long time", Avni flushed at that which Abhi saw. "I wanted to be CEO you know. It has always been my dream. But now I feel like I got it by others charity. And I hate that feeling", Abhi said with anger in his voice. Avni understood him.

"Yes it may be true. But did you do nothing to receive that position. No! I know you worked hard for it. Why don't you consider this as your reward for your hard work. Others may have good or bad intentions. But if you feel like you  deserve the position then why bother about others intentions", Avni said. Abhi smiled at that.

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