XLIV. Rescue

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"Fear holds greater power. It consumes our mind and stops us from thinking positively about it. Shed the fear from your heart if you want success in your life."

Everything was fine in my life until I lost my parents. As a child, I missed them, but I had memories of them with me. They always held their hands in front of me. When I understood the meaning of love, I wanted to have what my parents had.

Now, I don't want it. If Damini was right, then my father cheated on my mom and birthed a child. I have a brother, I longed to have a brother in my life but now I have one.

"Is Aarav my brother?" Damini stood still for a moment and looked into my eyes. My eyes held no fear, even with a gun on my head. I want to learn the truth and I knew that she would not lie to me.

"Why do you not fear for your life?" She pressed the gun on my head making me lean my head back.

"Is he my brother?" I pressed further.

"Yes, he is. Now it is time for you to leave this world, any last question?" She tilted her head sideways.

"If you wanted the property in Aarav's name, why did you want to kill him? Don't you love your son," she sighed as if she was tired from having this conversation with me.

"Don't you remember, because of him Arjun and others started calling me names? Aarav came into my life bringing troubles, because of him I had to kill the love of my life with my own hands," she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"But you showered him with love before. This changed after I came into your lives, why?" I wanted to know what my presence made her do.

"You ruined everything," she looked into the distance and continued speaking. "I loved my son or so I thought until I saw you, seeing you made me remember that if everything was right Aarav would be in your place. But that didn't happen, and I wanted to defeat others. You all together made me lose my Arjun, even Aarav. That's why I will kill all of you," she sounded sick. I don't understand her point at all.

"What will you gain from this? You will be alone. You even killed your husband," I said in a soft voice. I didn't understand her point in this revenge. I understood her reasons for killing my parents but others, I don't get it.

"I was all alone in this world from day one; I think I love it that way. About my husband, I should have killed him and you that day when I had the chance. Vinay was my friend, I thought I have more feelings towards him but I don't. I always felt a burden in being married to a person I didn't love. He even dictated my life for me and I let him do it. Now, I will let others rule my life. I will rule it." She placed her finger on the trigger. "Now, it's time for you to meet your parents."

"No, it's time for you to get punished for your mistakes," I moved my head to the side and looked behind her with a smile.

Seeing my expression, Damini turned around and yelped in surprise when the gun fell.

Aj rushed towards my side once the police arrested Damini. "Are you fine?" He removed the rope and I rubbed my wrists. He supported me as I stood. I approached Damini with Aj holding me up.

"I wish you have a good time in prison. I wish to never see your face," saying those words we moved out of the door.

"How did you do this?" She asked struggling like a beast to get to me. However, the police held her back.

"You forgot whose blood runs in me. You forgot about the person who raised me, she is a woman of many strategies. Did you think I would submit to you without a fight? You were wrong, you underestimated me and you will suffer now," we slowly reached outside, I smiled in happiness that our plan worked.

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