Review - The Unbecoming of Kiara Taylor

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Author : Vinita03

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Author : Vinita03



The Unbecoming of Kiara Taylor; it is an unflattering title in a pretty way. I think you did a good job in depicting that Kiara is the main character, where, the story revolves around her. As a title is something which gives an idea of what to expect from a story you did a nice job.


Cover is the way into the soul of the story. The better you make it the best your abilities are displayed of how clear you are being about the story. The picture in your cover gives us the longing feeling of love, dark, shiny and a sexy vibe, as the characters are staring into each other. It would be lovely and perfect if you could try to make the two-line descriptions a bit clearer. It is looking blurry, maybe you could make it short in length. For Wattpad the cover size is 512 X 800. (Canva and Picsart allows many different styles)


Almost perfectly done with the dwelling question you posed the readers making them wonder of what all they can expect from the story. The emotional scarring and the choice to let everything go and simply fall in love, it was all depicted beautifully. But I can't help but add here that as much as we love to see a little more about the character we are going to live, laugh, endure pains and have an invisible journey with so instead displaying their personalities out and open in the blurb itself you can add a character description chapter. Because the blurb looks unstable with the change in POV'S, in the first paragraph you have written in 1st person and then you switch to narration in the next one, and then by the end you become an author and start posing questions. I think sticking to one POV will make it look more attractive, either write everything in Kiara's POV or simply opt for narration.

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