Review - Game of Love

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Author: yagyachowdary

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Author: yagyachowdary


Title – "Game of Love" – the title itself conveys what to expect from the story. Winning love, conquering the plotted nasty game. The title is quite unique as it consists of two whole different words and emotions – love & game.

Cover – The silhouettes of a couple in the background image soothe the eyes and I must say it's aesthetically pleasing. The dark colour scheme emphasizes on the conflictive situations they've to go through, in order to get unison. The typography is awesome and the fonts are amazingly fitting to the theme.
But I felt something is missing here. The concept of 'love' is clearly visible but the concept of 'game' ain't. Since the story consists of both – romance and crime fiction – genres it could've contain a hint of the thrill. Just an opinion though.

Blurb – After title & cover, blurb is another integral part of a book. The blurb has to do both, answer and raise questions in the readers' mind. Here, you've put two interesting and intense, yet conflictive scenes from the story as well as a little description of the plot-setting that sparks plethora of interest among the readers. Good job!


"Game of Love" is a thrilling story of Swadha and Vikrant, who're brought to work together despite all their moral differences in order to find out the psychotic mastermind behind the series of the strange kidnappings at the Bhuvaneswari Medical College. Soon they start to trust each other and become friends. Later on, they gradually start to develop the more-than-just-friends feelings. But the conflictive situations, twists & turns lead them to the alley of misunderstandings. They've got to find the kidnapper and bring justice to the victims and their families as well as to get victory to their feelings for each other, through all the difficulties that await them.

Analysis & evaluation

Character development – I loved how you kept a well balance of characters in the story. I mean, you gave just enough space to all of them according to their importance. It's very important because otherwise the story goes haywire.
The characters start getting introduced just with the beginning of the story. And here you introduced the main characters, Swadha & Vikrant by their professions – directly to the readers in the first two paragraphs. In genres like crime-fiction, unnecessary information should be highly avoided. And I'm happy to say that you didn't provide any unnecessary information about the characters. Their emotions are well portrayed. The pace of character development is reasonable. But I suggest you to add a bit more of Swadha's physical attributes; for it helps the readers to visualize the character in their mind that helps them getting involved with the story even more.

Plot – Being a lover of thrillers and crime-fictions, I'd say the plot is pretty amazing. I loved the fact that the story is to-the-point. It begins in the middle of a scenario which creates a tension in the readers' mind. The conflicts are literally unpredictable and make the plot so damn much interesting. The conflicts are edgy and make us anticipate about what's next. The only thing that seemed a bit abrupt is that Swadha's thoughts seemingly flow a little too fast. Otherwise everything's all good!

Descriptions - The descriptions are detailed and emotions are well balanced. And I loved the fact that both the conversations and descriptions are natural without the trace of mechanized stiffness. Voila! 

Besides, there are not much unnecessary descriptions which add another pinch of thrill in the story. I think rereading it would help pointing out the few unnecessary descriptions.

Grammar & punctuation – There's no punctuation errors. But I noticed a few grammatical and typos. Another round of proofreading would probably fix it.

Sensory flow – I'm in awe with how you kept a well balance of the characters and their emotions. The emotions and feelings are depicted with perfection and this worked as the catalyst in keeping the flow. All the chapters seem to be of almost same length. And I must say that the riddles used by the psychotic mastermind before every kidnapping are amazing. You've put the riddles at the end of those specific parts and this worked as successful cliff-hangers. But in a few places, like in the criminal-profiling part – the pace felt a bit too fast. Else, the story has a smooth flow.


Overall impression - I enjoyed reading the book throughout all the chapters. I actually love reading crime-thrillers. And a growing love story with it, appeared as the frosting over the cake! Two people with brewing feelings for each other among all these unpredictable conflicts – everything makes it amazing.

Suggestions – I don't have much to say here since I've already said everything above.

Alivia :)

Regards, Alivia :)Its_Alivia02

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