Review - The Dark Of The Light

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Author - Debasmita02mitra

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Author - Debasmita02mitra

Introduction -

Title : When I read the title the first emotion I felt was - enigma. I mean dark of the light - clearly means that there is darkness everywhere, even where we seek light. Light in the dark, might not sound so eccentric, but dark of the light - that sounded interesting. It raises curiosity among the reader - what all circumstances, strangeness does the writer want to express through the book, what is the story behind the characters created by the author. I certainly do admire the uniqueness behind the idea.

Cover : The background image of the cover clearly depicts the light and darkness together, but I felt it was limiting the scope of the story. There is a far greater picture in the story than a voyage. I felt it would've felt better if you could show the bigger picture. Needless to say, the first impression for your story is the cover and the first line of your blurb, for it is through these the first communication with your reader ensues. Also the measurements of the Cover are not as per Wattpad default settings. And the colour combinations with respect to the Author's name and the image didn't set well. All in all I'd say, you can make a better cover for a story as unique as yours.

Blurb : The blurb was beautifully written. I really liked how you have given the beautiful yet limited outline of the story in context. The first was a bit confusing, as you have not detailed about what Eavel and Supreme Operator are, but as we move forward, things fall into place. Also at the last, you have clearly mentioned that the voyage would be last with his kids. Just a suggestion - I would have just let things be mysterious and write uncertain if this voyage was going to be his last with his daughter. By mentioning as prior, you are giving away a part of the plot that probably would be better if concealed.

Summary -

I'd say without hesitation, that 'Dark of the Light' is an Enthrallingly written Fantasy.

The world of magic is not something new for readers, for we have access to fantasy literature ranging from Harry Potter and Percy Jackson to The Mortal Instruments and Lord of The Rings Series. But every journey captivates us. Every magic ranging from a simple swish and flick to saving the world using complicated magic - all of them encite us. And Dark of the Light is another one such story telling us the Journey of Vayu - the Emperor of Ethar. The struggles he faced, along with his family, his responsibilities and more specifically his daughters and the prophecies that they are supposed to fulfill.

Analysis and Evaluation -

Plot : The plot was beautifully written. But there are a few inconsistencies. A bit of clarity is missing at a few instances. At times a whole lot of information is being put up leaving away the plot, making the reader less enthusiastic. But other than that, it is great. With the right amount of Adventurous and Fiction vibes combined with traces of romance and a tinge of Humour, it is a must-read!

Again there is this thing, the pace of the story is not consistent. At a few parts it looks too fast, and at a few instances, slow.

Characters : Initially the features of characters were slowly being revealed, giving the story an edge of originality. I really liked how you did not give the initial overview of all the characters in just one chapter but spread it out for a few while simultaneously keeping the plot moving. But as the story progresses, I felt there were a few lapses. Re-reading it again might be enough for you to cover it up.

Descriptions : Your descriptions were at the right places. They gave necessary information required to understand the world of Ethar, but I'd suggest your detailing shouldn't just be informative but also descriptive - I mean more adjectives and words. Using a varied vocabulary to avoid word repetitions.

You know the best part of Fantasy, the author gets to introduce a world only (s)he knows to the readers. So, try to make it as much descriptive as you can. I'm not saying to describe everything there is, starting from walls and the rooms, but yes how the oracle is, how the Eavel is, how the eaveling is, and such!

Sensory flow : This is an area you have to work on. You are doing great, but still these emotions can be explored in detail. You can write elaborate descriptions of turmoil in Shivashakthi, about the fit between the two families, about the agony in Shivani when she pleads Satvik to postpone the Voyage.

Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation : There are a few Grammatical errors I noticed, but nothing to worry over. Another round of proofreading will easily help you correct it!

Conclusion -

I'd say with full confidence that this story has the chance to make it big, if moulded properly. So, all the best!

Suggestions : As a reader, I do not like very short chapters or very long ones, and I believe most agree with me. So, try to keep your chapter in the range of 1500 words. A few of them are long enough and a few aren't.

Also try exploring the emotions and putting them in words. I'd very much like that, personally. It lets the reader connect with the characters emotionally and makes the story even more realistic and imaginative.

I'm apologetic if by any chance I have offended you, for I only hold your best interests!



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