Review - My Heart Chose You

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Author - GirlWithSparkleEye

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Author - GirlWithSparkleEye

Introduction -

Title : ‘My Heart Chose You’ - The title itself conveys the intense emotion behind the story - The concept of Love as the Protagonist describes it. A very strong title fitting to the powerful concept of your story. According to me a lovely and touching title. I loved it!

Cover : The Couple in the Background image clearly tell us the main theme of the story - a story of love, passion, sacrifices and everything and anything in between. It was aesthetically pleasing. The Typography was amazing. A good contrast to the font, very fitting to the theme. Not to criticize but they say first impressions are the best impressions. Try to show why your story is different from thousands of stories in Wattpad through your cover.

Blurb : Adding an interesting scene from the story draws the reader's attention. Very good way of letting your readers know what to expect in the story. Good job!

The drawback of a blurb is that it magnifies any mistake in the blurb. I noticed a few grammatical errors. Do correct them. Just a matter of polishing.

Since your story has three parallel tracks, why not add a bit of information about the other leads too? Just an opinion though. 

Summary -

‘My Heart Chose You’ is a mesmerizing journey of Viren and Paakhi as they chase through hurdles of life and reach their happy place - each other. A beautiful story as it starts with a tiff and slowly but surely transforms into love. The Parallel tracks of Maanya - Aarhan and Aditi - Shaurya are the frosting over the cake. You very beautifully described the relationship of the three musketeers - I mean, our very wonderful protagonists, Paakhi, Maanya and Aditi. Clearly taking us down the memory lane when we had fun with our best of friends and cousins. 

Analysis and Evaluation

Characters : I loved the fact that your story has multiple characters and multiple POV’s. This will help readers to connect to the readers in a better way, a more deeper level. It gives the edge of Originality to your story. But, I think there is still a scope of development here. You can always show a deeper level of connection between Viren’s family members - even the brothers for that matter. Also, you can put more emphasis on the bond between Uncle Abby and the sisters. Giving a little more light on Abhi and Riya’s relationship will do the magic. That will give your reader a varied focus. More realistic way of feeling.

Plot : A wise man once said, “The life of a writer is directed by a mad impulsive muse, that can tell them to cancel all their storyline: a creative divergent devil.” Diversity is what gives life to the story. And the variety in your story is well appreciated. You have well shown the mindset of a middle-class girl in terms of financial state at the same time that of a billionaire who has immense loneliness within himself. Every character in your story has an equal importance. Everyone is important. But I did notice a few inconsistencies in the plot. A few places where I personally could not relate to situations. It felt abrupt. I do not want to give out spoilers so I am stopping myself here, but once you reread your story with a clear head. I am sure you will realize the few inconsistencies there are. Like they say - the first draft is just the writer telling the story to themselves.

Sensory flow : I am in awe with how you have depicted the emotions of so many characters. It was truly amazing. But what your story narrowly missed was completion. Reading the story I felt, at parts, something was missing. Leaving out a hollow - small, sure but still there. Writing things elaborately could help you here. Also, I’d love to see you make your parts longer. Having chapter breaks lower the mood of the readers.  

Descriptions : You can work a little bit more here. As has been already mentioned, you can write things elaborately. Be it Paakhi’s take over her past or Maanya’s feelings towards her current condition or Adi’s dismay over not having something stable in her life - I mean her not having a strong passion for the profession in the start. Instead of briefly describing and putting up images, I’d say no pictures and elaborate descriptions. But again, it's just an opinion.

Grammar and Punctuation : There are a few errors here and there, nothing another round of Proofreading can't fix. Also, as a reader I do not like reading abbreviations - like u instead of You. It is a major turn off. You can gain more amazing readers if you could change that, I personally feel so. Spell errors were there too. 

Conclusion -

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story. It was like a breath of fresh air with the transformation from damsels in distress needing knights in shining armours to independent women who can fight for their freedom. 

Suggestions: I don’t have much specific things to say, but what I would like to stress on is to make your parts longer. With experience comes improvement, I believe. And I also think this is applicable to you too. A bit of polishing your skills of descriptions and detailing would be great. And lastly, I’d suggest you to less emphasize on unnecessary details like dresses when not necessary and more emphasis on important things.

End of, it was a great story! I loved it! All the best.

If there is anything else, PM me or comment after tagging me.



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