Review - The Rules of Pursuit

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Author : Debasmita02mitra

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Author : Debasmita02mitra

Title :
It felt like a refreshing idea, I really wondered was the idea behind using 'pursuit' is like telling us that the pursue was successful? When rules are mentioned we all know it is going to be something very interesting that we are being informed beforehand about the play, very well used! Although I would still consider asking this – when generally The is used in a title we expect , did you think about any such thing like 'The rules of Pursuit : Love/hate/family'?

Cover :
It is the window to your story. Usually the attitude of a cover determines the reader's choice to plunge in or emerge out from the story. You have done a good job with the cover, trying to signify the boldness of the story. But as a reader when I went through the story somewhere it felt like isn't the cover giving a slightly different expression? Like there is more to the story than just a woman and it isn't doing the justice.

Blurb :
The opening dialogue-scene you provided is very impressive and made me do the thinking about what would be the situation they are in, is it in the middle of the story or by the end? That surely did the trick of luring me in! But that even made me graze on a fact that, is betting only the motive of the story? There are many more elements like being a spy, friendship, brotherhood etc that can be mentioned in the description part because we never know which word will have the potential to make a reader get into the journey.

Summary :
I can just put in simple words that it was an effectively ravishing journey reading 'The Rules of Pursuit'. The way you focussed on the development of plot, making quite plausible friendship between the m4 then growing to the inclusion of Avinash's group shows your vulnerability of how beautifully you have sketched the theme. Well done with the way of innovatively thinking to write about a spy school. I am a very keen reader of Espionage so it was a bit disappointing because the story was shadowed with an amazing emotional element. I haven't completed reading the entire story, however till the point I bookmarked it was an enjoyable experience.

Analysis and Evaluation –
Plot :
The best thing about it was being set in India and I haven't really experienced any snowfall ever so reading about it in the book was so lovely. You have done an excellent job in carving up a teenage vamping of emotions, endeavours and them thriving to become what they aspire for. The portrayal of be it friendship, unexpected love, the role of a family and everything just seemed to be fitting perfectly. But on this note I would love to add something helpful, when we write a fantasy it is very easy to build up imaginary situations, unbelievable situations and readers accept them But when writing a reality/fiction there is a line between real and unreal, few points like the R&AW opening up a medical college just because they wanted to train Naxi doesn't really help us to believe in it, maybe a little more description of how it functions will probably keep our guards on. Rest assured, it was a beautiful webbing.

Characters :
The story really have many, many amazing characters to discuss about from the beauty and brains to Dumbini, but I will be concentrating on the mains – Naxi and Avinash.
Meenaxi is surely a very bold yet a little bit self conscious sort of character you have crafted. Her falling for the man is so natural and the bond with the people around her is amazing and you really did an awesome thing in showing her flaws and embarrassment which helps the readers connect. But I really want to question is being impulsive a good quality for a spy – like when she decides to accompany Avinash to Jaipur?
Coming to Avinash, he seriously is a heartthrob. I almost fell for him if not for my own commitments. Who wouldn't want a boy with all the good qualities from dancing to being the innocent listener? And seriously telling this, you really have an awesome art of deception because when I read the blurb Avinash gave me the impression of a bad boy gone rogue types and here into the story he is such a sweet soul.
Description and Sensory Flow :
Very detailed about everything you have explained, that really kept me reading, Something I would like to suggest is mentioning the importance of the dance face off, like how it is going to be useful in any underground missions or something like that. That will give more volume to the base line of your spy concept. The sensory flow of emotions is quite simple and easy to connect with. Well done!

Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation :
You have really done a good notion in all the three. But there are a extremely mild errors in tense usage in the supporting sentences of dialogues. Don't worry once you proof read and edit it they will be magically vanished.

Conclusions :
It was an amazing experience and I see much potential for a huge success with a little bit of modification, alteration and polishing.
All the Best!



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