Review - Our Disconnected Love Story

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Title : Our Disconnected Love Story

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Title : Our Disconnected Love Story

Author : Ammaspet


Title : "Our Disconnected Love Story" is an appropriate title for the given storyline and plot happenings. And reading the story explains the title's choice clearly. Although the title makes you think of a love story that will remain incomplete or is going to have a sad ending. But what actually would happen in the story or what the story is all about, you will know only by reading it. And I would like to say to keep your options open in case you get a more creative and attractive title.

Cover : The starry sky and animated protagonists gives a dreamy and fantasy vibe, that absolutely complements the bubble world formed by Tanvi and Rohan.

But you will need to work more on choosing appropriate book cover along with eloquent fonts and style that suits best to the storyline and gives the book an attractive look.

Adding a suitable subtitle will also be a good option to enhance the book cover.

Blurb : Giving a glimpse of the story and adding a little description of what the story is about along with some curious questions makes the blurb quite good catching. But adding a little description of both the protagonists will make it look more appropriate. Also work on making a blurb's presentation better as the reader will look at it first before starting reading the book.

Summary :

"Our Disconnected Love Story" is a contemporary teenage love story of Tanvi and Rohan who happen to be in the same school and Tanvi being junior to Rohan, has a crush and one-sided feelings. So to make him aware of her existence and emotions, she decides and frames a plan in which she plays the part of a secret admirer and implements her actions to make him fall for her through phone conversations. But will he notice her? Will she succeed? Will the story become a love story? And apart from that what will happen, when a shocking truth comes out? How will she react, knowing all the efforts she made, is being delivered to someone else instead of whom she assumed to be? Shocking twist isn't it? So stay tuned to know about her reaction, his reaction and how their story moves on. This story may seem like any other story but you will know that it isn't while reading it. So enjoy the cute, funny, sweet, hilarious and crazy story of both the teenagers.

Analysis & Evaluation

Character Development : Characters, their formation, role playing, introduction and traits are explained well. You have dealt well with both protagonists, having distinct personality types and behavior patterns.

Knowing the cute, crazy and outspoken Tanvi with reserved, shy and innocent Rohan balances the emotional scale.

I just love the friendship and bonding of Tan and Sam! And not to forget the open relationship between Rohan and his father. 👍

I liked the gradual development between Tanvi and Rohan relationship as this makes the reader understand the situation, happenings and emotions of the characters perfectly. Splendid work!

Plot : Story has a simple plot covering most of the school and home area. Plot is filled with lots of dialogue and conversations either on phone or off phone. And I would say taking the plot simple but interesting conversation makes it glow and outstanding.

And adding both the protagonist's point of view is a great choice as it makes us readers understand and have a look at what is going on in their minds. Good job!

Description : Description is a very important element of the story as through this only we can present and give form to our imagination and let others know our form of the tale.

I liked your form of describing things and giving an ample and balanced description to the dialogues and conversations of the characters to clearly make readers understand the flow and events of the story.

As a reader, I was clearly able to understand the sequence, flow and connection between different chapters and parts. Good job!

And I assume it will remain the same throughout the story.

Grammar : Grammar is good enough just some polishing to make reading more enjoyable. The sentence formation is simple and good enough but try adding more vocabulary as it makes the story standout and attractive. And also don't add so many new words that the sentence loses its sensory flow and feels foreign.

And you can remove the remaining minor errors while proofreading the story.

Sensory Flow : Sensory flow is marvelous, it helps to feel the mood and emotions of the story while reading it. A reader feels happy, excited, amazed, awkward and shy while reading the story, as the events and moments occur. Great job!


Overall Impression : I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the story. It becomes so hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing and smiling throughout the story. And that's what attracted me more to keep going on and obviously the curiosity to know what will happen next. How will the story move on?

I'm glad to come across this story and very much amazed knowing it's your first time writing. You have done a good job and have a great potential to achieve huge heights. So keep writing as it's only going to help you practice, improve and grow. Looking forward to knowing and reading the whole story.

Suggestions : Nothing more to say as I have already suggested what's important. So now I'm empty handed.

That's all, If you have any query regarding review or want to ask something specifically you can comment or PM me.

Regards & best wishes ❤️,



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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