Chapter 1

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Fast. Fast. Fast. I'll win this race. My horseback riding has gotten better, I know I can do this! Nothing will stop me!

-''Aaaah!!''- a low branch hits me right on the face almost making me fall from Midget's back, out of balance I manage to jump from his back and land hard on the floor. Nothing but that branch...Holly, Rachel and Natasha run past me with their strong horses not even bothering to check if I'm alright. Well I can't say I'm surprised, Midget my loyal black horse looks down at me, the white circles around his eyes makes him look like he's wearing a mask.I named him that because he's small and looks more like a big pony.

-''Thanks friend''-I tell him standing up slowly. Used to pain as I am the aching doesn't bother me. The dark forest surrounds us, with a sigh I jump back on Midget, walking back home bearing an air of defeat I'm also used to. The trees get more separated as we advance letting light in between their branches, finally we get to the castle. The magnificent castle with black stone walls and a beautiful stained glass, kind of looks like a church, but it's home, my home. So yeah...I live in a castle, but no I'm not a princess, couldn't be further from that.

-''Faythe!! Where the hell were you?!''- an angry voice calls my attention, I hop off Midget turning to face Min, a short slender girl, with dark brown hair and baby blue eyes.

-''Fay? are you okay?''-by her side stands a tall girl with a curvy smoking hot body, she has her long wavy cinnamon hair perfectly combed and neat, there's concern in her sweet violet eyes.

-''Yes, Ruth, thanks''-I reply to my gorgeous best friend, Min glares at me with her hands on her hips, I try not to chuckle at her, for a small girl she sure looks fierce, in fact my other best friend is at the top of Sword Skills class.

-"We thought you were killed or something"-Min tries to look furious but I know she's just showing she cares about me.

-"Oh come on, if I get attacked I have a sword to defend myself"-I reply with a toothy smile.

-"You would probably cut your own head off"-she smirks, well she's actually right, my skills at managing a sword ,or any weapon to be honest, is worst than being punished by Lady Darcy, and that's horrible.

-"We were just worried, Fay"-Ruth adds kindly, don't let her innocent looks fool you, she could make an arrow go straight through your brain without any trouble. Lovely, right?

-"Yeah I know...thanks girls"-I smile warmly at them.

-"Let's go fool, we're going to be late for History class"-Min sighs finally smiling at me. We rush inside,our feet don't make a sound on the black and white marble floor, the walls that watched me grow up are covered by tapestries showing acts of bravery and honor, and portraits of those who did acts like that, some armors are found as well, all reminders of our goal. Reaching the stars, fight for glory, keep our word no matter what...and becoming brilliant knights. We enter our classroom and sit on the ebony desks, the teacher hasn't arrived yet so everyone is chatting casually.

-"You lost today again Faythe, seriously you should stop challenging us and accept you're just that...a looser"-Holly says standing in front of my desk, I look up at her , her short fire red hair is messy and her hazel eyes look fierce, she's strong and her voice is like acid, full of despite for me.

-"Listen slut I'm going to cut your tongue off, make you feed on it and then I'll drag you to the pits of hell back to where you come from and right where you belong"- of course those words weren't said by me but by Min who looks like she's ready to keep her word as any knight lady should.

-"Excuse me Tiny but I wasn't talking to you, why would I talk to a mouse? Everyone knows they have no brain"-Holly ,who doesn't have anything about holy, snaps back.

-"A talking mouse would be actually, really smart"-Ruth says rather innocently, pressing my lips together so I don't laugh my eyes go back to Holly's.

-"Really why waste time talking to these losers?"-Rachel with her man shoulders and muscular body looks more like an ugly boy in girl clothes.

Natasha silent just watches us with her deep icy blue eyes tucking a lock of golden hair behind her ear.

-"Don't be stupid Holly, I'm not scared by you, I'll keep challenging you and someday...someday I'll be the winner"-I say trying to make my voice sound confident.

-"That would be a great story to tell to my grandchildren, you can tell it yourself...oh wait! That will never happen"-the three of them start laughing at the leader's words.

-"Right...because you will never have children nor grandchildren, who would marry you?"- Ruth says obviously proud of her comeback, I smile at her and Min just death glares at Holly. Lady Ursula our History teacher arrives and we all sit down silent, she's a bit fat and short, everyone mocks her because she left the fighting to become our teacher of History, a very important subject everyone hates and thinks of as useless, pretty much like me. I love her very much, she's kind to me and answers all of my questions even if I always have many.

-"Welcome ladies, today we'll talk about something a bit different...Kielray it's a new kingdom compared to Hosho the name of the lands that go past the river and beyond our limits. Kielray was part of Hosho once, but the people of that time thought they had to rule differently from the Empress. She was too strict and stubborn, she wouldn't let anyone be against her and kill innocent people if they dared to threaten her by thinking differently. She was killed by a knight who built Kielray with his followers and was named king. People left Hosho, but it's still filled with many creatures..."-Lady Ursula explains as we all watch her, we don't write down anything, we're trained to memorize all of her words.

-"Like dragons?!"-Livy an annoying girl cuts her off.

-"Yes, Livy, like dragons"-Lady Ursula smiles kindly with her infinite patience. Dragons live on the outside? I wish...I wish I could fight one, and prove once and for all I'm not useless as they think.

-"One day you'll be sent in quests to kill these creatures, and have glory, honor, and shine bright as stars"-the teacher smiles her cheeks looking slightly pink. A quest! That would be just perfect, the rest of the class goes by quickly and soon we head to the training with spiked mazes room. The room has small windows placed near the ceiling for this was used as a prison before, when the castle wasn't ours...too long ago for anyone to remember.

-"Pick up your mazes"-Lady Tara was once a student here, girls admire her and use her as a role model. I work on getting better my technique and not to get knocked out like last time.

-"Faythe, watch out!"-dodging a flying spiked maze I fall to the ground my hands on my head. Everyone laughs at me...why I'm not surprised by this? Maybe because things like this happen to me in a daily basis. At least I didn't get hit.

-"Faythe please stand up and put on some more effort"-Lady Tara's voice reveals pity for me. Why...why I'm never enough? It doesn't matter...I will fight.


My body hurts as my eyes open, how many years have I slept? I can't know for sure...rage, rage fills me again, coming up from the pressure on my stomach, up my dried throat and out in a horrible howl...I have awaken and so has my eternal rage.

Hello my lovely readers!! This is my second story, if it's the first story written by me that you read then you should check out Inspire my first story ^-^
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Please notice it's a girl x girl story.
Thanks for reading! Comment, vote and enjoy.

The picture is a beautiful creation by pepsi10844 ! Thank you so much

With much love Bel :3

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