Chapter 3

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-"you're gonna get yourself killed moron!!"-Min has been fighting about me taking the quest, Ruth looks at me clearly concerned.

-"a quest is dangerous Fay, you could easily die"-Ruth speaks carefully trying to soften the meaning of those words.

-"well I'm not afraid! I'll ask them to let me go"-alright so I'm not fond of the idea of dying but I can't keep hiding forever, right?

-"on the quest?"-Holly's voice cuts Min off.

-"yes, on the quest"-my eyes meet hers and I try to look as brave as possible.

-"wonderful, actually I came here to ask you to come with us!"-she smiles bright and offers her hand which I don't shake...yet.

-"sorry but my friend here doesn't belong to hell like you three so doom yourselves alone"-Min's baby blue eyes are full of worry, fear...fear of loosing me. My heart shrinks at this, my best friends love me dearly and want me safe.

-"I have to think about it"-I finally say not ready to let go my dream of going on a quest so easily.

-"alright then, when you're ready come and look for us"-she says rather nicely and walks away. I wonder if I'll ever be ready...


The week went by quickly, as my eyes open I have the feeling something equally important and horrible it's ought to happen today...oh yeah, Lord Stea it's coming for an examination today. Quickly getting ready we rush downstairs to eat, everyone is damn nervous. After we're finished we prepare our weapons and horses, I'm ready...I'm ready...I keep telling myself this hoping it's true. Midget seems relaxed today, lucky horse. Breathing deeply and slowly I get on his back and relax so he won't tense up, if I'm nervous I'll get the horse nervous and that's never a good thing. We head outside to the big campus where our evaluations are made. There's so many students with their horses, they make Midget look even smaller...and their riders make me feel smaller. Quickly we line up. In front of us Lady Darcy is on her dark brown stallion, by her side Lady Tara, Lady Brenda the horseback riding teacher and Lady Vera the Sword Skill teacher, are standing ,with no horses, out of respect.

-"ladies, raising stars and future lady knights, you're here today for an evaluation on how are you improving your skills. I would wish you luck but this is all about hard work."-none of the ladies said this words, they were said by Lord Stea who's riding his white horse and whose light grey eyes seem to shine like jewels.

-"Haybard Min and Williamson Gloria"-

She's the first one, my best friend doesn't look scared at all. She hops on her grey horse StormFight and Gloria on hers. They race down the field and then come back, Gloria is faster, she soon gets her sword out ready to fight. Min hops off StormFight even if he's running at high speed, landing smoothly she pulls out her sword with a swift movement. I can't help but gasp in awe, she moves precisely without any trouble, it looks natural to her...she even makes it look easy!! Gloria is a good fighter too but Min is better, she wins and everyone cheers. After some other couples Ruth is called, she uses her ability as an archer hitting every target right in the middle. Everyone claps amazed, me as well, I admire my best friends so much. Suddenly my name is called, I's my turn, I'm going to die. I didn't even hear who my partner is.

-"come on Fay! You can do this!"-my friends cheer at me, I smile bright at them hoping my dread doesn't show and prepare with Midget. My jaw drops as I see my can't be, why?

-"Sarah Moonlight..."-I whisper her name like an idiot, she's one of the best riders and sword fighters...we usually call her Moonlight because she doesn't like to be called her first name. I swallow hard and get ready, the signal is given and Midget runs off. So fast...I push him harder, my hair flows behind me...for a brief second, I feel free. With a fast turn we go back to get our swords, I get there faster than her almost falling from poor Midget. She's coming, she's coming...the sword you moron! I get out my sword just in time to block her blade, she moves with ease attacking and blocking my every move...this pisses me off. I move my sword furiously, faster, her eyes widen in surprise for a second, but soon she's moving quicker than I am. She hits me with the back of the sword and swips me off my feet, so easily...I lie on the ground defeated. Everyone cheers at her, slowly I stand up. Please don't look, please don't look...too late, my eyes meet with the light grey eyes of Lord Stea. The same color of mine, they are full of shame...he feels ashamed of me. I have disappointed one of the greatest and most famous Lords in Kielray...I have disappointed my father.


Bright blue sky, blinding sunlight.
Deep green forest, color of life.
This painful rage comes up my throat,
stinging, hurtful.
Roaring, screaming, crimson red eyes.
Blue into dark grey.
Green into black.
Life into death.
Crimson red eyes of mine, why won't you cry?
Ashes get carried away by the wind.
Burning forest, burning heart.
Everything turns crimson in the morning light.

Hi there!! Hope you enjoyed, if you did please comment and vote! Thank you for reading, with much love Bel :3

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