Chapter 36

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I finally let go of Faythe and smile, I trust her, she's strong...she'll be fine.

-"Alright let's go tell the others the plan"-I quickly peck her lips and she blushes deep red.

-"L-Let's go"-she stutters and I chuckle.

-"Thank you Hoshi"-I bow before her and she hugs me.

-"Thanks to you for being brave enough to let the fire burn in your souls, may the spirits' light guide you in your way"-she speaks gently, her voice caring like the one of a mother.

We walk back to the rest of the group, I really feel nervous because I'll be the one leading the spirits in this fight against darkness...and my beloved will go alone to face that monster, without me to protect her...what am I saying? She learned well...I'm sure she'll be just fine.

-"Mei! Faythe! Did you find Hoshi?"-Kenneth walks to us.

-"We did, and we already know what to do"-Faythe answers with a smile, she's so brave it's hot.

-"Wonderful, I'll gather around the spirits and you'll talk to them"-Zethyr says walking towards us, he listens everything. 

-"I think I can gather them around myself"-I say not so sure about my own words.

-"You're ready Mei, you can be a leader"-he speaks softly to me.

   I hug him tightly, he hugs me back slightly surprised but happy...I can actually feel his energy, and how he feels. I let go of him and walk to a tree, I stand here...and close my eyes. I concentrate in everything that surrounds me, the soft wind that blows between the bright green leaves, their gentle rustling and the birds that rest on the branches, the water that flows calmly, there's life everywhere...I breathe deeply and start to feel every spirit, they feel anxious, scared, confused...I understand them, even some are angry! I have lived the pain of the anger...I take another deep breath and recall each time I felt like them, it hurts in the beginning but little by little I change those memories for memories that have made me feel full of joy, confidence, peace...and start to feel deeply like this. When I open my eyes again all the spirits are watching me wide eyed. 

-"Spirits of Hosho, I have spoken with Hoshi, the spirit of this place...and then I knew what to do, but didn't quite understand, I didn't get the real meaning of her words until now...I feel each one of you...your emotions, and I understand them...because I also have felt scared of the future, confused and lost without knowing what to do, not being able to comprenhend what's going on, or why people act in a certain way...but, I also understood that to win this war we must change the class of fire we hold in our hearts...many of you carry now the fire of rage, and so do the soldiers from Aisling's troops. The fire of rage burns us inside, painfully, it only brings destruction of everything around us...and of our own selves"-I look at them as I speak, one feeling rises from them, agreement-"We need another kind of fire, a fire that burns in a gentle way, that spreads a nice warmth across our chests, the fire of hugs, the fire of laughter, a fire that like the sun brings life and not destruction...we don't need fire rage, we need fire love"-I look directly at Faythe and smile lovingly, she made me understand everything. Everyone starts cheering, I see Monlight giving me a half smile and a nod, Ruth jumps up and down excited and even Min gives me a nod of respect. Faythe walks to me and before I notice her lips are against mine in a passionate kiss, fire love burns inside of me. 

-"I love you Mei"-she whispers and turns to face the spirits-"Spirits of Hosho, I know feeling peace, joy, confidence and above love, it's hard when the others bring darkness and throw it at your face...even more if they hold weapons and try to kill you, but truth is...when you look inside yourself, and you embrace it with love, that makes you happy, gives you confidence and inner peace. When you find this feeling, it doesn't matter what they'll win this fight. Mei, my love, will stay here and be your leader...I, on the other side, will go back to Kielray and face Aisling myself"-she tells them her voice steady, I hold her hand and smile.

-"I'm going with you Faythe"-Ruth tells her with a determined expression on her face.

-"Me too, I know I haven't acted like a best friend...but I still care about you"-Min adds. 

Faythe nods knowing they won't back down. 


Ryuko, I mean Mei, whatever...she spoke wonderfully, my heart aches because I lost my loved one, but if I don't stay here by her side and fight, I might lose a friend, and many others will lose their loved ones.

-"Mei! I'm staying here with you to help"-this is for you, my beloved Natasha. I think of my sister back home in the castle, forgive me sister for having been so harsh with you, I'll make sure to let you know how much I love you...before it's too late. I lost fear, I'm not afraid anymore...I will give my all for this place, for my loved, for fire love!

-"Thank you, Sarah"-Mei replies smiling and I feel no hatred against my name anymore, this is who I am, I'm Sarah Moonlight a half spirit of the night...and I will fight, until my last breath I will fight!


This forest...I feel it again, what was I thinking when I sold it to that evil Queen? Hosho is my home, these spirits are my family, I feel again! Even though I'd like to stay here and fight...if only humans return to Kielray Aisling will destroy them quite easily, I'm not giving up on Hosho...but Kielray is Hosho, spirits and humans shouldn't fight against each other...

-"Mei, I'm a spirit...I'm part of this forest, these spirits are part of me and me of them, we are all connected, but Kielray is a part of Hosho that decided to disconnect...but that connection isn't completely lost, it can be brought back, humans should be brothers and sisters to us...not enemies, so I will go with you Faythe, and fight by your side in name of Hosho...if they forgive me after all I did"-I speak loud enough for everyone to hear, and try to keep my voice from shaking. 

-"My dear Kenneth, you have payed for your mistakes, like you're part of Hosho, and you are our brother...we forgive you"-Zethyr answers with a voice loving like a father's would be, all the spirits smile at me transmiting their feelings of forgiveness, gratitude and love. Laia walks towards me, she's beautiful...I love her so much and hurting her destroyed me. 

-"Laia I...I'm so sorry"-

-"Shut up Kenneth"-she hugs me tightly-"I love you brother, and I forgive you, I know mom and dad would be proud of you...even after you killed the King, they didn't like him anyways"-she chuckles, our parents are what humans would call dead...but spirits don't die, they just cease to exist in a material body and become pure energy...that flows around in the wind, in the water, in the fire, in the earth...and a part of them stays inside our hearts. I will fight for my home, for my family...I turn to look at Faythe, Mei, and the rest of the girls, and for my friends. 

Hello! I'm really liking the ending chapters, I hope you're enjoying them, I'll be working on the next chapters but start school tomorrow so it might take a while, please bear with me. Thank you so much for the reads, votes and comments.

With much love Bel :3

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