Chapter 23

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I was named Sarah after my older sister, one older than Darcy. I don't like being called that...not only because people thought I should be like her but also because she died...and it's hurtful to remember. Why am I suddenly thinking about this? I sigh and lean on the wall...Natasha...I was pained, very pained, when I saw her expression...her wide eyes, shocked...well of course, girls shouldn't go around kissing other girls...or so they say, I think that's incredibly stupid but sincerely Holly isn't the girl I wish to be kissing right now.

-"Sarah..."-Darcy says making me jump, even though my hearing is very keen I did not hear her, she's more skilled than I am.

-"Don't call me that"-I spat crossing my arms.

-"I'm not calling you by our last name and you know it"-she snaps back but then sighs and speaks again more softly-"I'm worried about you..."-

-"Is that so? Now you are?"-I reply faking surprise.

-"Please Sarah stop fighting me...we're sisters"-

-"Are we? Are we now?! You left me lonely for so many years and now we are sisters!"-tears threaten to fall, I'm tired...I can't keep it inside anymore.

-"Sarah! It wasn't my fault!"-

-"Shut up Darcy"-I turn on my heels and storm out of the room, I head to the training room my eyes blinded by tears. I open the door and shut it quickly leaning on it tear drops already rolling down my cheeks.


-"Huh?!"-I look up startled, that girl...Ryuko wasn't it?

-"Are you alright?"-she stands upstraight her long raven black hair falling over her shoulders, she has this aura of strength and authority...who is she?

-"I...I...yes..."-I stutter like a fool. She smiles warmly and turns away, she walks gracefully and silently.

-"You don't seem like it"-her voice is soft as she replies.

-"It's none of your bussiness"-I snap without really wanting to.

-"Yes, you're is none of my bussiness"-she suddenly turns around holding her katana. I step back surprised-"If you are alright as you say you won't mind fighting me...will you?"-

-"Of course not"-I take out my sword with a swift movement, she smirks and says nothing more. Without warning she launches at me almost cutting my head off, so fast...I block her next attack and notice she's also very strong. You can't win...I use all my strength to swing my sword aiming to her leg, she quickly jumps avoiding the blade skillfully and lands behind me. I quickly turn around just in time to stop her from killing me...I can't take it anymore...I scream enraged and move my sword as fast as I can attacking her over and over, her crimsom eyes widen and for a second she stumbles...blood...I hit her, before I can react she jumps on me and tackles me to the floor, I can't move...after a while struggling I feel my cheeks hot with tears.

-"Well that's much better..."-she says getting off me and offering me a hand, reluctantly I let her help me up.

-"Why did you do that?"-

-"So you would admit you're not alright, you're a great fighter but your anger is blinding you"-she says looking directly into my eyes, hers are so weird...bright that color even human?

-"How did you...?"-

-"It was clear in your gaze when you arrived, your dark blue eyes yelled in pain and anger"-

I really don't know what to say, she is a complete stranger to me, but somehow she understood me perfectly.

-"I know how it feels...don't worry, pain from our past can throw us out of balance...just as a strong blow in a fight, the important thing is to get back up and continue the battle...until we're no longer breathing"-she speaks slowly, her voice is silky and her eyes don't leave mine.

-"Thank you...who taught you that?"-

-"Someone very special"-she answers with a smile.

-"You remind me of something...something I saw in Hosho"-

-"At Hosho? The magical forest?"-the tension on her shoulders is very subtle but it didn't escape my eyes.

-"Yes...You came from there didn't you? How did you survive? Spirits didn't attack you?"-

-"Spirits are not evil, not all of them at all depends on what you carry in your heart"-

-"I thought so too...but it isn't a very popular opinion around here"-

-"Do you agree with the Queen about destroying Hosho?"-

-"No...not at all"-I finally admit, it's wrong to go against my Queen if I'm a knight lady but I can't help it.

-"I see, well maybe you're not the only one that thinks like that...if you ever need anything I'll be around"-she turns away and leaves the room, not the only one?


-"Stop pacing around the room like a caged lion Fay"-Ruth sighs looking at me.

-"Sorry, can't help it"-

-"What's got you so anxious?"-Min plays with a dagger between her fingers.

-"Is your father visiting again?"-Natasha says carefully, she has been hanging around with us since I came back.

-"Hello ladies!"-Moonlight says coming in followed by Ryuko.

-"Where were you?"-Min asks looking up at them, Natasha bites her lips and stares away from them.

-"Doing a little of training, right Ryu?"-Sarah replies looking at her.

-"Please don't call me that..."-Ryuko answers looking away.

-"Huh?"-Moonlight raises her eyebrows but seems to decide not to say anything else.

-"Faythe, I heard some Lord...S..St...Star?, well something like that, is here"-Ryuko says trying to remember, St...Stea.


-"Yes that!...what?"-she asks concerned when she notices my nervousness, I stumble and Natasha holds me up.

-"That's my father!"-I exclaim feeling about to faint...wait a minute, I changed right? I'm not letting him scare me anymore!

-"Faythe are you alright?"-Ryuko asks stepping closer.

-"Yes! I'm perfectly fine, I won't let him scare me...I'm now stronger!"-I go to the door and open it ready to go look for my father. I'm ready for anything!

-"Faythe wait! he's hurt...they brought him here because he wants to see you..."-Ryuko explains her gaze full of concern, oh no...anything but that....

Hello lovely readers! I'm so sorry for taking so long and making them so short, I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways...finally I have more time to write so I'll work on that. Please comment and vote, thank you so much for reading! ♡

With much love Bel :3

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