Chapter 7

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What...? I open my eyes slowly, my head hurts. When I try to sit up my side starts hurting as well, what the hell happened? And where am I? Something moves, I hear a heavy breathing. My eyes scan the room quickly as I stand up. I'm in a huge cave, my sight is used to darkness thanks to the various times I got locked in dark rooms by my lovely classmates so the dim light it's enough for me to see.

On the ceiling the dragon is looking down at me with beautiful crimsom eyes, it's long serpent like body is covered with blood red scales, it has three claws on each paw and it's certainly...a magnificent creature.

-"I...I'm not a...afraid of you!"-I stutter failing miserably in my attempt to look brave, my whole body is shaking. It roars and launches at me, Quick! Move! Do something! Anything! I yell at myself internally, trying to move swiftly I take out a dagger I had hidden, the dragon gets closer and I stab it in one paw as hard as I can...alright good move. It howls pained staggering back, it's gaze seems to be on fire with fury, it takes me with it's other paw and slams me against a wall. My breath is all gone, not only because of the fact that I just got slammed against a wall...but because my eyes just met the creature's, those gorgeous crimson eyes that reflect a soul...emotions...I feel strange, like it's eyes are screaming something and I'm dazed, this is more than just a beast, it feels, it has a soul, and I just hurt it. My eyes are burning with tears, I don't know exactly why...

-"aaaah!!"-the dragon drops me and curls up in front of me, it's eyes glued on me. It tilts it's head while growling, the claws are half isn't going to attack? This pain is growing in my heart as blood trickles down it's paw...I've injured it, I had to...I had to! But why does it hurt? Something broke inside me, I feel tears rolling down my cheeks, embarassed I try to hold them back. Crying in the middle of a quest while killing a dragon isn't precisely what I was taught in class.

-"I'm so sorry!! I'm sorry..."-words flow out of my mouth without me realizing it, this is the end for me...I shut my eyes waiting for it to kill me. Silence. My eyes open again to find a shocking scene, the great creature is suffering a gets smaller and smaller, it starts to glow and I'm blinded. When I'm able to see again there's no dragon standing in front of me...a beautiful girl about my age is standing naked in it's place. I feel my cheeks burning ashamed of her nudity, she's beautiful...she looks like a porcelain doll with a smooth white skin, long straight raven hair that falls like a waterfall over her shoulders and below her waist...and those eyes, almond shaped with long eyelashes, crimsom like the dragon's, her shoulder is bleeding abundantly making me feel worse.

-"what..."-I mumble. Her low growling snaps me out of my trance, I've been staring at her...I feel myself blushing deeper full of shame. She walks to me with firm steps, her movements full of dignity and elegance. Her chin held high almost with arrogance, her hand goes up to her hair and I notice something shining between her fingers, she's holding a metal hair clip. Too scared to even laugh at the ridiculous of the situation I watch her open it and turn it into a tiny-but sharp-enough-to kill weapon.

-"you came here to kill me...but I'm afraid I'll be the one killing you"-she whispers, her voice is firm but gives away she hasn't spoken in years.

-"I'm sorry to have hurt you"-I mumble looking down, I'm probably the most pathetic lady knight that ever existed. A weird sound comes out of her mouth, laughter...she's laughing at me.

-"you'll die"-she says with delight, a smile playing on her lips.

-"I'm sorry girls...I'm sorry I'm never going back, I was stupid..."-I take a deep breath, the shaking is gone, my gaze meets hers once more...something I haven't noticed calls my attention, she's suffering, her eyes widen for only a brief moment quickly returning to a fierce stare.

-"I'm ready"-I say closing my eyes as tears roll down my cheeks without me caring anymore, I think of my best friends that were right about me being a moron for coming on a quest, of Midget...who will take care of him?, of Lady Darcy who trusted me, of Natasha, is she alive? Of my dad...would he care I died? I think of home...I'm never going back, right? My heart pounds in my head as I wait for my death, seconds that seem like hours to me pass and...nothing. I open my eyes again to find that she's walking away, she's still bleeding but she doesn't seem to care. What just happened? Still dumbfounded I watch her walk away into darkness. Not really knowing what to do I stand here like an idiot...who is she? And how come she's a dragon? I mean how come the dragon is a lady...but isn't that the same? Sighing I shake my head trying to clear my mind. Agh, my whole body is aching terribly, I have to get back home but I have no idea how...I'm very dizzy, before I even realize it everything goes black.

Hello lovely readers!! Thanks for all your constant support, you're wonderful ♡
With much love Bel :3

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