Chapter 13

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-"That's're doing fine, move it like it's an extension of your arm, not like any piece of metal fool!!"-I command my student as she trains.
-"You know?! I have a name! It's Faythe!!"-she protests moving the sword as I told her to, she's slowly getting better.
-"I don't care about your name! I care about you moving!!"-actually she has a beautiful name...alright Ryuko back to reality! After another while I let her rest, she sits down in a corner her body covered in sweat. I look at the locked door and sigh, I should let her go out...I can't.
-"Hey Ryuko?"-she calls me panting slightly.
-"How did you become a dragon?"-
This question tenses me up as flashbacks invade my mind.
-"You'll find out one day...or never"-I answer forcing the memories out of my mind, my chest is feeling hot and fire threatens to go up my throat.
-"Ryuko? Are you alright?"-she sounds so concerned, my gaze meets hers and once again I'm glued on that beautiful pair of eyes...seriously what's wrong with me?
-"I'm fine...I have to go out"-I leave fast before she can protest. The fire building up in my chest finally escapes my mouth filling my eyes with's so painful. Taking slow deep breaths the burning inside me gradually disappears, I stand up and go to my room. My gaze accidentally falls on the mirror I've been trying to avoid looking at, my crimson eyes still startle me...I have the eyes of a demon, of a monster...that's what I am after all. I need to get out. I rush to the entrance of the cave, focusing my mind as I was taught years ago by my teacher, my body starts shifting back to my dragon form. With a loud growl I take flight, full with energy I soar through the bright blue sky. I'm free! My serpent like body moves with ease, suddenly a familiar smell fills my nostrils...humans. Where are they?? The whistle of arrows is soon followed by a sharp pain in my abdomen...they hit me...realizing this is my soft spot I fly directly towards the source of the attack hoping my scales will protect me. The same agonizing feeling makes my lungs burn as I breathe out fire, I land between the burning trees, they're still here...
-"Aaaaagh!!"-a girl screams as she stabs my side with her sword, I roar out in pain. I didn't see her coming at all, she's very fast and skilled. Her shining armor gives away she's a lady knight...Faythe...another stab brings me back to the present. I have to fight. Growling loudly I attack my opponent directly, she's fast but I'm faster, as flames come up my throat I feel a sharp pain spreading on my other side, enraged my attacks become more violent. My four attackers are very skilled but with every attack they awaken the power I've been keeping in for so long.
Faythe...her name stops me on my tracks, they know her! They must be her friends...kill them already! I scold myself a gutural sound coming out my mouth, I can't...with a quick movement I fly away from them as fast as I can. My student's screams get to my ears as I approach the cave.
-"Ryuko!! Ryuko!!!"-Faythe's sweet voice is calling for me, is that pain I hear? Maybe she got hurt with the sword! I pick up speed feeling worried, my heart is racing expecting the worst, I turn back human landing heavily on my feet. Without me realizing it I'm in Faythe's arms...what?
-"Ryuko...are you alright??"-her light grey eyes shine with tears. Why is she crying?
-"H-hey...don't cry...I'm fine"-I mutter awkwardly.
-"You're hurt aren't you?"-her expression is now serious. How did she get out of the room?


Her gorgeous crimson eyes are full of agony as she looks at me, she pulls away from my arms making my heart ache further. When she got out so suddenly after our training I got worried, then I realized she completely forgot to lock the was my chance of escaping so why didn't I? I didn't want to...
-"I'm alright get back to your room"-her voice sounds strained.
-"No"- I answer firmly, she opens her mouth to protest but her eyes widen as she coughs up blends over holding her gushing side, her beautiful white skin now covered in red. She's naked again so the wounds on her sides and abdomen are clearly visible...and look very bad.
-"Faythe...back to your room...!!"-she tries yelling at me but she's too weak to even shout.
-"You're seriously injured!! Let me help you!!"-


I try to get hold of her words as she holds me up, my gaze meets hers, she's also in agony...for me? A smile escapes my lips.
-"Thank you"-I whisper feeling warm in my chest, what is this feeling? Everything turns black.

Hi there!! I'm back to classes so if I don't update in a time sorry, I'll try my best. I'm so happy about the support this story it's getting! You're truly amazing, remember to vote and comment.
With much love Bel :3

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