Chapter 14

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-"That was seriously dangerous"-Lady Darcy scolds us, the lady knight is feared and respected equally for all of the students...all but Moonlight
-"You could have been killed or worse, the king has died and I can't worry about four reckless students"-
-"But we're alive"-Moonlight snaps.
-"Miss Da Lozzo, are you listening to me?"-Lady Darcy raises an eyebrow looking at me, I blush embarassed as I realize I've been staring at her the whole time.
-"Yes my Lady"-I answer in a low tone.
-"We killed the dragon, alright? That's what matters...Faythe Stea has been avenged"-Moonlight speaks firmly but I notice her shoulders are tensed, her hand in tight fists making her knuckles look white.
-"Where's the body then?"-
Silence. A terrible silence we all know it means we don't actually know if we killed it or just injured it greatly.
-"You're dismissed"-turning away from us the headmistress of our school breathes deeply, her body still tense just like ours. We get out of her office, the air is cold today, the sky is clouded...everything is gloomy as our moods.
-"Natasha"-I turn around to see Min's grateful baby blue eyes.
-"Thank you"-Ruth finishes the sentence for her best friend.
-"I did what I could...I was there happened. Helping you was the least I could do"-I give them a small smile before getting away. The memory of Faythe being snatched away by that horrible beast still haunts me at night. Walking down the training field I look up at the clouded sky.
I'm sorry.
My lips mouth the words as drops of rain fall on my face, disguising the tears running down my cheeks.


She survived. I was so scared she would die...felt so useless. I've been useless all my life, but nothing could compare to this...why? Why do I care for her when I've only met her? Maybe...because she believed in me. How could I know this? While I was training she focused on helping me get better, even when I fell over and over...she kept pushing me to go on. eyes scan her gorgeous face, her black long eyelashes, her white beautiful.
-"I see you've come to care about my old friend"-the man's voice makes me jump.
-"Don't appear like that!!"-I snap at him, his mischievous honey colored eyes look into mine, his dark skin makes contrast with his white long hair. The man had appeared while Ryuko was dying two days ago, he worked with herbs to heal her, he's a magician or something like that.
-"Hmmm..."-I turn to Ryuko wide eyed, this is the first time she wakes up since she got attacked.
-"Ryuko...?"-my voice is hopeful, it sounds husky and weird to my own self.
-"Faythe"-her lips curl up in a smile as her eyes meet mine.
-"You're alive"-I feel myself tearing up from happiness, her crimson eyes look now warmer than before, less reptile like.
-"Thank you for saving me"-she whispers as she sits up.
-"Maybe you should cover your breasts"-he says casually, she turns her head to him and her eyes go wide.
-"Y-you! What are you doing here?!"-she quickly covers herself with the blanket I found in her house.
-"I thought you said you were friends?"-I turn to him with a questioning look.
-"Friends?! Ha!"-Ryuko scoffs.
-"Sweetheart that was long time ago...I did what I had to do, I saved you from getting killed by your parent's soldiers...I'm sorry I couldn't do more"-his honey colored eyes now full of pain and regret, her parent's soldiers?
-"Zethyr...I didn't know..."-Ryuko mutters looking at him.
-"Everything is forgiven"-the man apparently called Zethyr answers with a warm smile.
-"Why did you keep me naked?"-she wraps herself with the blanket and stands up.
-"Well you had quite a fever...besides it's a nice view to look at"-before I even realize it Ryuko's hand is slapping him across the face and he's laughing.
-"You never changed"-she says not entirely mad.
-"Of course not, old Zeth doesn't change...we have to talk, please change into something and meet me inside, I'm preparing tea for both of you"-Zethyr says before entering her house, she motions me to follow her and I quickly do. She changes into a jade green robe with a black belt, her jet black mane up in a bun. We kneel on the floor around a table and he serves us the green tea, I take the smoking cup in my hands and take a small sip.
-"What do you needed to talk about?"-she says holding her cup with grace, like everything she does.
-"The king has died"-
Both of them turn to look at me and I blush deeply.
-"I...I...sorry"-I mutter ashamed of myself.
-"Many kings and queens have died since I'm in this cave Zethyr, why is this king any more important than the others?"-Ryuko answers calmly like I never spoke.
-"They say it was a rare illness, but I'm sure it was murder"-he explains carefully.
-"How can you be so sure?"-she raises her gaze from the cup she's holding to look at him straight in the eye.
-"I was the one to make the poison, never knew what he was planning when I gave it to that's normally used for killing magical creatures, beyond deadly for human beings of course"-Zethyr speaks slowly every word he says surprising me more than the other.
-"Killed, died, it's all the same for me Zethyr"-she leaves the cup on the table and stands up ready to leave.
-"I don't think so when the new ruler is planning on destroying Hosho completely"-

Hello!! I'm sorry I took so long, I'm having problems with my Internet. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment!!
With much love Bel :3

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