Chapter 9

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I'm I open my eyes I look around, where exactly am I? I don't remember what happened...that girl, she came to see me and then I got knocked out. How nice of her. The room is dark but not entirely, a bit of light manages to escape and comes in. I check my body for injuries thankfully not finding many, none of them are serious.
-"Hello??"-I try calling out, yes Faythe that's an excellent plan, call for the crazy dragon lady that got you into this room. Maybe it isn't locked, I walk to the door and try to slide it aside being unable is locked. Sighing I sit back on the floor, my mind wanders due to the lack of activity. There's been a long time since I could sit and think calmly like this, we're always training, always fighting...we don't have time for much more.
-"so Faythe, what's your promise for the school?"-my father had asked, he was waiting for an oath to find my glory or something likewise but I didn't answer eyes fill with tears and I push away the memory. Why am I crying so easily now? Us lady knights are not supposed to cry, we're strong and fierce...we fight, but these tears won't stop burning my eyes. Looking down I watch the teardrops fall onto the worn and torn woven straw...must be injury, no tragedy, nothing should bring tears to my eyes and cloud my mind...right now...I don't even know what I'm sobbing for, maybe the fact that I'm now held locked in a room  as a prisoner, or that my friends are probably crying my death right now...or maybe I'm just crying for everything. No. Stop. I furiously wipe away my tears with the back of my hand, taking deep breaths I cut off the sobbing. I'll fight.

-"you're up"-

I gasp almost having a heart attack, my gaze finds hers and I feel shocked. Her eyes are fierce, she looks braver than any of the lady knights at my school...and she's more beautiful than any girl I have ever seen.
-"yes...again...thank you for not killing me"-I do my best to make my voice sound less shaky.
-"tsk..."-she flicks her tongue, turns on her heels and storms off the room locking once again the door. Sighing I sit on a corner and shut my eyes, maybe if I sleep...I'll be able to forget everything.


When my eyes open again my bag is placed by my side, how did it get here? my eyes scan the room again, there's another door I haven't noticed. When I try sliding it I discover it isn't locked, behind it there's a bathroom with no windows sadly. I hear the door slide open and go back into the room, the lady dragon is standing there her long hair up in a bun. 

-''I'm sorry, were you busy?'''-she asks, some rebel strands of hair escaped the bun and frame her porcelain doll face, her gaze is still serious and cold as ice.

-'', I wasn't...did you bring my bag here?''-


-''is Midget alright? horse''-I ask shyly fearing the answer.

-''I don't eat horse meat''-

-''I...I wasn't implying that!''-

-''are you scared knight lady?''-actually I haven't thought of I scared? somehow I'm not, I'm only a prisoner, it's not anything new...back home I was also a prisoner in that castle. 

-''no...I think I'm not''-I'm honest as I always have been, she blinks a bit startled and then looks away, without saying anything else she walks out of the room locking it once again. I lie down using my bag as a pillow, looking up my lips whisper a silent prayer hoping, only hoping someone could hear.

Sorry taking so long to update! I've been very busy but here you have another chapter, if you like it please vote and comment what you think ^-^
Beautiful people have beautiful hearts not only pretty faces.
With much love Bel :3

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