Chapter 21

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Everyone thought I had died, that Ryuko had killed me...but here I am, alive. But I can notice something, I'm not the same as before, I changed. The Faythe that left this place only cared about killing a dragon, now I wish to take care of that dragon. Ryuko taught me I can be brave too, I can fight and be strong like her...maybe I could be worthy of honor like she is...

-"Faythe! Are you even listening to me?"-Min snaps.

-"Yes, yes I was"-I try to pretend I know what she just told me.

-"Yes...of course you were"-she replies sarcastically picking up her sword. I pick up mine in silence trying not to get deep in thought again. We quickly start fighting, I remember every single detail Ryuko taught me, how to move my feet, feeling the sword as an extension of my arm, almost closing my eyes my mind shuts off. I only feel my sword, breathe in...breathe out...move with care...attack wisely. Min is a great fighter, she might me short but she's really fast...but not accurate enough, too impulsive. I block her attacks and wait for her to make a mistake, she slashes at me and tries to hit my arm. I quickly block it and swing my sword placing it on her neck. Sweat is running down my back, we're both panting slightly.

-"Great job Faythe...are you really Faythe or some kind of forest spirit placed a spell on you? Are you a spy? You're a spy! Forest spirit!"-Min jokes stepping away from my sword.

-"You discovered me!"-I answer laughing, Zethyr...I hope he's alright...

-"Hello girls!"-Ruth walks to us smiling bright.

-"Why so happy?"-Min raises an eyebrow.

-"The sun is shining! The weather is nice!"-she says motioning towards the clear blue sky.

-"What are you? A sunflower?"-Min crosses her arms smiling sideways.

-"Well I'm pretty as one!"-Ruth replies batting her eyelashes, I really missed these two.

-"Your skills have improved dramatically Stea"-a husky voice says behind my back, huh? I turn around to find Moonlight smiling at me.

-"Mo...Moonlight!"-I say like a complete idiot, guess old Faythe is back.

-"Da Lozzo has been avoiding you, right?"-she asks softly, why is she talking to me? She's gorgeous, one of the very best students...

-"You mean Natasha? Yes...I think so"-now that I think about it Holly and Rachel send me death glares whenever they can but Natasha is nowhere to be seen...

-"She's terribly sorry for what happened, I guess she just felt guilty"-Sarah speaks like she's talking to her own self.

-"I don't blame her for anything, besides I'm alright! Tell her she can stay calm I hold no hard feelings towards her"-I speak smiling warmly, her dark blue eyes widen slightly but she smiles back wide.

-"Of course, my sister is calling everyone for an assembly, you should get going"-she turns around and leaves her long platinum her waving behind her.

-"I'm sure she'll talk about the war"-Min comments sighing, we walk together to the great hall. The war against the spirits...a shiver goes down my spine making me shudder.

-"Are you alright Fay?"-Ruth places a hand on my shoulder her violet eyes full of concern, a warm smile escapes my lips...she's always taking care of everyone.

-"Don't worry about me Ru, I'm fine"-she doesn't seem to be convinced but stays quiet, Min keeps talking about how she would kill a spirit until we get to the great hall. It's hard for me hearing my best friend wanting to kill creatures I know they shouldn't be killed.

-"You're here! I'm glad, the teachers had me memorizing all of their history many things have happened in this last hundred years I was in the cave!"-Ryuko appears beside me whispering very softly.

-"Sshh! Don't talk about that here!"-I whisper back smiling at her, she looks so beautiful...she's wearing the same tight pants and our white blouse with the black belt and boots, she looks just beautiful.

-"...and she went on talking I hope I can memorize everything!...Faythe? Are you listening to me?"-

-"What? You were saying something?"-I feel my cheeks flushing deeply.

-"Everything alright?"-her crimson eyes are very deep and look different, they look happier...they now sparkle.

-"Yes! Yes...I um...I guess I'm just nervous for this whole war thing"-I bite my lower lip softly. She opens her mouth to reply but she's soon cut off by Lady Darcy calling everyone's attention. Everyone goes silent as we wait for her to speak, my heart is racing.

-"Ladies, students of the Étoiles Brillantes school, all your life you've been training for becoming lady knights worthy of honor...and now with our new Queen this might become true sooner than expected, as you all know spirits are a great threat to us...they have been finding people murdered by them for no apparent reason, we must protect Kielray and we must stand up for our people"-as Lady Darcy speaks I feel myself trembling from anger, how can they speak like that about something they don't know? Spirits are not bad! And they mean no harm to Kielray!
-"You'll begin preparing yourselves for war, spirits won't stand a chance against us!"-Lady Darcy finishes talking and the students clap and roar in excitement, me? I feel like fainting, I suddenly feel her warm touch...Ryuko? She's looking up at Lady Darcy with tears in her eyes, she's holding my hand. Ryuko...I gently squeeze her hand to let her know I'm here for her, she's not alone anymore...we're not alone anymore.


I can't believe this! I'm so sick of it all, my sister doesn't have the slightest idea of what she's talking about and that horrible Queen we have is such an idiot! I storm out of the great hall enraged, soon I hear someone following me. Not you again...I pick up my pace.

-"Baby! Sarah wait!"-she walks fast almost jogging to catch up with me, I'm also sick of her...I keep walking trying to ignore her, I get into the training room and she stops me from closing the door behind me, sighing heavily I turn away from her and pretend she doesn't exist.

-"Baby please..."-she says with a whiny voice hugging me from behind.

-"Don't touch me! I don't want to be with you...go away now"-I snap not raising my voice.

-"Please! I..."-her hand caress my sides. This. Is . It. I spin around and with a quick movement I lock her in my arms, I kiss her lips roughly and push her against a wall. Someone gasps behind me, I don't care who is it...I finish the kiss leaving her wide eyed and panting.

-"Is that what you wanted? Happy now?"-my voice is cold and cutting, when I turn around Natasha is standing there frozen, her icy blue eyes full with shock. Just great...

Hello everyone!! I'm almost finished with school so soon I'll be updating faster, thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment and vote, you're the best! ♡
With much love Bel :3

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