Chapter 20

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-"Mei stand up straight!"-my mother's voice yells, my beaten up body screams in pain as I force myself to obey her.
-"You're a disgrace for this family"-my father speaks coldly, tears sting my eyes but I don't let them fall. I'm strong. I'm strong. I must be strong.
-"Ryuko!"-Faythe's sweet voice makes me wake up from that terrible nightmare, nightmare? Wasn't it a memory? She looks at me clearly concerned, wait a minute...where am I? The room has stone walls and a few beds, I must be inside a castle...

-"Welcome to"-she says with a warm smile.

-"This is your home?"-

-"Doesn't feel like it anymore...but I guess it is"-

-"Thank you for bringing me here..."-

-"How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"-

-"I'm alright don't worry..."-I'm still feeling a little lost, it has been a whole century since I last went out from Hosho.

-"Please get changed, there's people wanting to meet you"-her light grey eyes give me a nervous look, I try to calm her by smiling bright. After I'm changed I follow her through the halls until we get to an office, I breathe deeply before we get in.

-"Be welcomed to our school young lady, may we know your name?"-a young woman with platinum hair asks me, she must be the headmistress here.

-"My name is Ryuko"-I reply trying not to look arrogant.

-"Well Ryuko my name is Lady Darcy Moonlight and I'm the one in charge here"-talking about arrogance...I stay in silence.

-"Ryuko we were talking about having you here as a student"-a young lady with the same platinum hair and night blue eyes says looking at me.

-"It would be my pleasure"-I lie smiling, I'm used to lies so it's not hard for me to tell them like I'm telling the truth.

-"Good, this is my sister Sarah"-Lady Darcy says gently, I nod.

-"If you need anything we will be here to help you"-Sarah adds.

-"Thank you"-I bow before them and head out followed by Faythe.

-"That went better than expected"-she says smiling at me, I love her smile...her beautiful pink lips...

-"Fay!!"-a girl with very big breasts and violet eyes comes up from behind her and hugs her.

-"Are you going back to classes??"-a short girl with baby blue eyes asks her. I stand frozen watching them feeling incredibly stupid.

-"Hi girls, yes I guess I will be soon, Ryuko!"-I look up at her when she calls me.

-"Y...Yes?"-I answer stuttering, you're an idiot Ryuko, I mentally slap myself.

-"These are my best friends Ruth and Min"-she says smiling bright, why do you look so I...jealous?

-"Hello Ryuko! Are you feeling better?"-the violet eyed girl asks kindly.

-"Great, thank you"-I reply trying to stay calmed.

-"Come with us to class, you must be lost"-the other one comments chuckling, I breathe deeply avoiding throwing fire at her. They walk off to class and I stay behind. Why am I feeling like this?

-"Ryuko! Come on let's go!"-Faythe says cheerfully and takes hold of my hand, she pulls me and runs off after her friend not letting go of my hand. Her touch is so warm...I look up at her flowing dirty blonde mane and smile...Faythe you make me feel alive.


-"That new girl is so weird, what is she even doing here?"-her annoying voice says, I sigh heavily and turn away from her.

-"I think you have classes to attend to"-I snap wanting her far away from me.

-"But baby!"-

-"Stop calling me that! It happened a long time ago, I'm tired of you! Get away from me!"-I end up yelling and storm off the room, too angry to look where I'm heading I bump into someone.

-"Moonlight!"-Natasha exclaims almost falling, I catch her and hold her up by her waist.

-"Da Lozzo...hey there, sorry for that"-I smile side ways, she blushes and I laugh letting go of her.

-"What's up with you? You're acting weird"-she says angrily, I smile at her making her frown further.

-"I'm just happy, is that a crime now?"-

-"Well no...why so happy?"-she seems to relax a bit, her icy blue eyes are curious as she looks at me.

-"No reason at all, maybe it's because there's still peace, maybe because Faythe is back and alive, maybe...maybe because I'm here talking to you"-her eyes widen as I say this.

-"Wha...what do you mean?"-

-"I mean I'm alive, I could be dead"-

-"You're...changed"-she says smiling slightly.

-"Yes...maybe I am"-I smile back bright.

-"What changed you?"-

-"Walk with me"-I start walking towards one of the gardens of the school, she nods and walks by my side.

-"This is a beautiful garden"-she comments, I don't turn to look at her, instead I look up at the trees.

-"It truly I remembered that things don't last forever, I'm enjoying peace...because I know soon a war will start, spirits are being killed...Hosho destroyed, I wonder what our new ruler has in mind..."-I talk almost to myself.

-"You mean like a plan?"-

-"There must be a reason for wanting to destroy Hosho...she must be thinking about something"-

-"Moonlight?"-her tone makes me turn to look at her.

-"Why don't you like your name?"-she asks softly, this caught me off guard...why is she asking this? I stay in silence for a while, meditating my answer. Finally I laugh, she looks at me surprised maybe thinking I've gone insane.

-"I never thought about that, I think I don't like it because that's how my parents called me when they compared me to Darcy"-I answer honestly.

-"I see...well, I think you have a very pretty name, and you're not your sister"-she looks into my eyes as she speaks-"I think you're better"-she finishes surprising me.

-"Thank you, Natasha"-I smile at her.

-"No need for thanking, Sarah"-she smiles warmly at me, her icy blue eyes don't look so cold now. We walk back to the school in silence, a comfortable silence. This girl is so strange...I'm happy yes...I don't feel lonely like before. Thank you, thank you.

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting! It means so much to me.
With much love Bel :3

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