Chapter 19

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I slowly open my eyes, for a moment I don't know where I am...then I remember I came here with Faythe running away from the soldiers...Zethyr...once again he faught soldiers to save my life, I own him everything.

-"Good morning"-Faythe says before yawning.

-"Morning Faythe"-I smile at her.

-"Hello lovebirds, you two looked so cute while sleeping"-a young man's voice says making us both jump in surprise.

I snarl and make fire come out of my hands even if it's burning them. Then I realize I'm naked but stand proudly, if he tries touching me or looking at me lustfully I'll burn him alive.

-"Hey careful with that fire...I can see it's hurting you"-he looks younger than I expected, he's about twenty years old with dark brown hair and light green eyes. He doesn't seem to care about my nudity, his eyes are on mine all the time.

-"Who are you?"-I don't put the fire out, I must protect Faythe , it doesn't matter how much it hurts.

-"My name is Kenneth...and you are?"-

-"That's none of your bussines"-I finally put the fire out deciding to trust him, he looks familiar...doesn't he?

-"That's not fair! I just told you my name"-he playfully pouts. Faythe giggles and smiles at him not at all realizing my situation.

-"...I'm Ryuko, you're a spirit aren't you?"-my muscles relax slightly but I won't let my guard down completely.

-"Yes, that's air spirit"-he gives us a toothy smile. Spirits can take a human appearance when they wish to but they normally don't...this spirit it's different, there's something weird about him.

-"What are you doing here?"-I ask carefully taking my clothes out from a bag Faythe brought with her, that's when she notices I'm naked and blushes darkly, after I'm dressed and stand up straight.

-"I was just wandering around and happened to find you two beautiful girls sleeping there, if I may ask what are you doing here?"-as he speaks a soft breeze starts playing with our he threatening us?

-"We got lost, could you guide us out of here?"-Faythe answers before I can say anything, I never thought of her like a good liar but she said that so naturally...

-"Of course, why not?"-he replies turning around and walking off, after a quick exchange of glances we follow him through the forest.

-"You seem to know about this forest a lot"-I comment casually.

-"You could say so, I wander around here very often"-he answers as casual, after walking in silence for a long while I suddenly hear footsteps coming our way. Metal.

-"Guys...soldiers are coming our way"-I announce and Faythe's eyes widen.

-"I feel them coming...this is bad"-Kenneth turns to look back at me.

-"We won't fight them, I'll make the me"-Faythe says surprising me greatly, she gained confidence...I feel proud. We both nod and wait for the soldiers to get to us, there's not many and they look quite young.

-"Who are you? and what are you doing here?"-a redhead asks, how nice of you...not even a good morning or something.

-"My name is Stea Faythe, daughter of Lord Stea, I found this girl lost and injured in Hosho, this young man helped me heal her and bring her back here"-she explains speaking calmly, I stand in amazement at how fluently she speaks.

-"Have a safe trip back home my lady, please be careful...spirits are wandering around here, with the war that's coming it's dangerous to be around here"-he explains and we nod, we walk away at the same pace we had before to avoid making them suspicious. Seriously? It was that easy? Faythe sure is full of surprises, the soldier reacted to the name of Faythe's father...who is he?

-"Well ladies...I see you're daughter of an important Knight so you'll be alright, I have to leave now...I hope I see you both again"-Kenneth smiles and walks away not giving us any chance of answering...weird. What's this? I'm not feeling very well...

-"Ryuko? Are you alright?"-Faythe holds me up.

-"I...I'm feeling dizzy"-I stumble as my head is spinning around just before everything goes black.


It can't be true. I stand completely frozen almost fainting, I'm aware everyone else must be in the same state of shock I'm in...It can't be true. Are we delusional? My eyes are burning with tears, Faythe...

-"FAYTHE!"-Min's and Ruth's voices scream and run to her, Natasha walks after them but I stay here frozen. Is this really happening?

-"I'm so sorry for being gone for so long but I got lost after killing the dragon...I found this girl inside the dragon's cave injured, please we need help"-she explains holding up a beautiful unconscious girl, I snap out of my state of shock and rush to them.

-"I'll get Darcy to give her the assistance she needs"-I say helping Faythe with the girl.

-"Moonlight! Lady Darcy? Are you sure she'll be okay with that?"-she asks in surprise.

-"Of course, she's my sister after all"-

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you for reading, commenting and voting!!
With much love Bel :3

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