Chapter 22

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I'm completely paralized, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to think, I don't know what to do...Sarah looks at me with cold eyes, she looks almost scary, but I'm not scared at all...I'm just shocked. Why was she kissing her like that? Why?
-"What are you doing here Nat?"-
How dare you calling me that after what I just witnessed? ...I look at her leaned against the wall, her short fire red hair, her fierce hazel eyes, she looks at me shamelessly. Holly. Without uttering a word I turn around and run, I run away from her, not only from Holly, but from Sarah...why am I feeling pain in my heart? Why do I even care? I should feel more concerned of Sarah kissing other girls, girls shouldn't kiss other girls...should they? Tears blurry my vision, I can't think straight.
-"Natasha wait!"-Moonlight runs after me. I pick up speed and run as fast as I can. Get away. Get away. Get away. Without thinking I race down the halls, out the entrance and get into the forest, my feet don't stop nor slow down when suddenly a beautiful grey horse runs past me and blocks my path, Sarah's horse. She jumps down from her horse and takes me by the shoulders.

-"Let go of me!"-I whimper as tears burn in my eyes.

-"'s not what you think, Holly is nothing for me, I'm sick and tired of her..."-Sarah's voice is soft and sweet, I don't look up at her, I'm afraid to look. Shut up. Please shut up now.

-"Let go of me..."-

-"Natasha please listen to me, I really feel nothing for her!"-

-"Let me go!!"-I snap shutting my eyes, I feel her hand pick up my chin and make me look up at her, her dark blue eyes are not cold anymore...they are warm and caring, deep and gorgeous like a night sky full of stars. Her touch is so heart is racing...but why?

-"Natasha, you're beautiful...don't compare yourself to someone like Holly, she's not worth anything..."-she lets me go and jumps back on her horse leaving me standing here lost and confused. What did just happen?


Crying before Faythe was never my plan, but I couldn't help tears falling down when Lady Darcy talked about killing all spirits, they can't kill Zethyr...they can't destroy their home and take their lives! I feel fire burning inside me, I breathe deeply and calm myself like she taught me to do.
-"Ryuko!"-Faythe walks up to me, she's clearly concerned for me...and here it is, the other burning. This burning it's nothing like the other...this one is nice and warm, not hurting.

-"Faythe...they can't kill Zethyr, nor the rest of the spirits! Hosho is their home...I once burned it, and it felt horrible...the trees screamed in pain, and so did their spirits"-I explain to her trying to stay calm.

-"I know...I know...but what should we do?"-she says softly.

-"I have no idea!"-

-"We'll figure something out, don't worry"-she smiles warmly at me...why do I feel like this?

-"It's time for class isn't it?"-

-"You're right! Let's hurry"-she answers taking me with her, we get to the training with spiked mazes room...somehow this place looks familiar to me...

-"Grab your arms!"-the teacher orders, I quickly take one and breathe deeply. Soon we start to fight, I'm better at handling swords or small knives but I can keep up with everyone else.

-"Careful Faythe!"-someone screams.

What? I quickly turn around and see her skillfully dodging a spiked maze, everyone stands in awe but I just smile...she's my student. After classes we go for a walk together.

-"Ryuko?"-she says softly after a while, I smile feeling at ease with her.

-"Yes Faythe?"-

-"Thank you"-

-"For what?"-

-"For changing me..."-as she says this her light grey eyes sparkle, I feel myself blushing.

-"I didn't change you, you changed yourself, I just showed you that you were able to"-I try to keep my tone calmed, my heart warm with joy.

-"Well thank you for that!"-she suddenly stops on her tracks, so suddenly I took a few steps before I realized she had stopped.

-"Faythe? Everything alright?"-I turn to look at her.

-"I'm changed! I won't let them destroy Hosho, I'll figure out a plan, anything!"-

-"A plan?"-I blink surprised, I wasn't expecting this at all.

-"Yes! A plan, we will stop them from destroying the forest"-

-"Us alone?"-

-"Yes...I'm a brave lady knight and you are a strong dragon girl, together we could stop them!"-she speaks confidently, finally she's showing that spark that I noticed back in my cave. We go on walking for a while as she rants about people not caring anymore about others, a cold and heartless society, in the privacy of my mind I remember when I was part of that society...even worse than that. Faythe...her dirty blond hair is in a mess, she's wearing the school's uniform and her eyes shine with heart is beating fast, this warmth inside my chest isn't hurtful, a new feeling...maybe admiration? Yes, it must be admiration. She was hurt, her own family attacked her, no one had faith in her...but still she stayed kind and caring, kindness...that was reminded me I had once been human the day we met. After she stabbed me, she cried, when I looked into those light grey eyes full of regret, kindness and love I could not finish my kill.


-"Yes?"-I zoned out for sure, she opens and closes her mouth twice before speaking.

-"I'm sorry to ask did you turn into a dragon?, you were born like that?"-she asks fearfully, I can't help but smile.

-"No, I wasn't born like this, I was turned into a dragon long time ago..."-I shut my eyes, how could I forget? That scared girl that acted as a grown confused, so alone.

-"I...I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry"-

-"It's alright Fay, you know? We should go to the town...I haven't been there for a whole century plus ten years if my memory isn't mistaken"-I speak gently for once not hurting because of my memories, since these ones are almost the only nice ones I can remember.

-"Sure! I'll ask permission to go there after we finish classes, we could go with my friends! And maybe Natasha and Moonlight wish to join us"-Faythe replies enthusiastically, goodbye to a trip for us alone? Ryuko what are you thinking?


Those girls were sure interesting, why did I tell them I was an air spirit? Us spirits should keep our identity in secret, but there again I haven't been acting as a spirit...I'm a traitor to Hosho.

-"Kenneth! Pay attention to your Queen when she speaks to you!"-that annoying angry voice calls me again, she's driving me insane...I look up at her, she's drop dead gorgeous okay...I shake my head and bow at her.

-"My apologies, Your Majesty"-I say as politely as I can.

-"Nevermind, did you find that filthy forest spirit? Ze...Ze...I can't remember his name, he's not worth that"-she asks looking at her reflection, how did everyone choose her as the new Queen? Zethyr you idiot.

-"No, My Lady"-I reply looking at the floor as a sign of respect. I recieve a strong slap from her, how lovely...

-"Look for him! Remember, bring him alive, but if he puts up much of a fight...kill him"-she orders like she's asking for me to serve the tea, she doesn't care about other people's lives. I regret everything...Hosho please forgive me...

Hello everyone!! I'm so sorry for taking so long, I hope you like the chapter, being honest this is the first time I manage so many characters so sorry if it's confusing. Thank you so much for your support! You're amazing.

With much love Bel :3

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