Chapter 16

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-"...But don't do that!!"-I exclaim dodging Ryuko's fire breath, panting slightly I turn to her, the pain in her eyes it's just too much for me.
-"I'm sorry..."-she mutters.
-"Ryuko...come here"-I sit down by the entrance of the cave and pat the spot beside me, she sits down with a sigh.
-"Faythe...thank you for trying but I really don't..."-
-"What causes you to breathe out fire?"-I cut her off.
-"Well, I'm part dragon you see..."-
-"I know that already! But what do you feel when it happens?"-I try my best to speak gently, her crimsom eyes are now filled with fear.
-"Pain...burning...rage"-she explains softly her silky black hair covering half of her face as she looks down.
-"Rage...what thoughts make you enraged?"-I ask carefully, she seems to meditate this for a while before looking up at me.
-"Memories"-she finally replies, I'm dying to know which memories are those but asking would be pushing way too far.
-"I know what to do then...but it won't be easy"-the plan I have in mind isn't easy but I really hope it works.
-"Alright...tell me what to do"-she stands up and pulls her hair up in a bun.
-"You must think of one of those memories and feel the rage, this time...don't try to run away from it, let it flow"-I stand up beside her.
-"but...I can't do this"-
-"I'm the teacher and I decide whether you can or not, and I decide you can"-I half joke earning me one of her gorgeous smiles.
-"I'm ready..."-she closes her eyes, I can feel my heart pounding in my ears. She looks so focused, I bite my lip wanting desperately to help her.
-"Aaaagh!!"-she screams and fire escapes her throat.
-"Keep going! Let it flow!"-my voice is loud enough for her to hear over her own screams.
-"I can't!!"-
-"Yes you can Ryuko!!"-
Suddenly her eyes glow white and her palms burn with fire, then she collapses. the name of the shiny armors happened...
-"She's alright, she just used energy she didn't know she possesed"-Zethyr says startling me, since when he's been standing there??
-"What does that even mean?"-I run to her side and place her head on my lap.
-"She unleashed more of her energy power that's all"-he explains softly carving in wood one of his flutes.
-"hmm..."-Ryuko slowly opens her eyes.
-"Are you alright??"-I ask sincerely worried.
-"Yes..."-huh? Before I even realize it, she takes me in her arms hugging me tightly, her shoulders are shaking and that's when I realize she's sobbing...I hold her close stroking her hair. My dear Ryuko...
-"She must be exhausted...take her in, I'll prepare you both some tea"-Zethyr says after blowing his flute to try it. I smile getting used to live with these two and take her into her room, I lie her down on the bed, she whimpers and holds onto me. I try not to chuckle and stay by her side...Ryuko...who are you? And what did you do to me...


Rage...pain...bright fire...every inch of my body it's hurting now, but somehow I feel slightly better inside, maybe Faythe was right and I only needed to let it flow...talking about her, where is she? Gasping I jump back as I realize where I am, and what I'm doing...I was hugging her waist as she sleeps peacefully beside me. It felt my head I stand up, I once was a merciless dragon...Faythe changed me in ways I don't understand, she makes me feel different...if I'm beside her agony and fire don't scare me anymore. Ryuko what are you thinking?!
Her voice makes me jump, I feel my cheeks burning red. Way to go Ryuko...way to go.
-"'re awake"-I try my best avoiding sounding like the idiot I feel I am right now.
-"Yes...are you alright?"-she rushes to my side and takes my hands in hers looking for damage, thankfully there's none and she smiles bright. I smile warmly at her and open my mouth to say something but Zethyr's unhumanly scream pierces my ears cutting me off. What the...

Hello everyone!! I'm so sorry for taking so long!! *bows deeply* I hope you enjoyed this chapter and forgive me~
"Believe you are and you will be"
With much love Bel :3

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