Chapter 27

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My eyes slowly open and I look around confused, where am I? What...this is not my cave...

-"Good morning"-Moonlight appears in front of me, I scream and fall from the bed then stand up and growl showing my teeth. Oh...I now remember.

-"Sorry about that..."-I apologize.

-"Your eyes turn bright as fire when you get scared, you might want to take care of that while we train with the soldiers"-she advises as she's getting dressed.

-"Thank you"-I quickly change and follow her outside.

-"Good morning!"-Ruth comes out smiling bright, Natasha follows her looking restless.

-"Nat? Are you alright?"-I ask softly, she smiles and nods.

-"Did you all sleep well?"-Faythe appears from behind her door her dirty blonde hair in a braid that falls over her shoulder, my heart picks up speed. She looks wonderful...she always does...

-"I'm ready to kick the hell out of those soldiers!"-Min half yells.

-"Min we're not here to kill the soldiers or anything...we must be cautious or our plan could be easily ruined"-Faythe speaks gently still smiling.

-"Good morning ladies"-a young servant I haven't seen before bows before us and smiles warmly, her hair is short and jet black, her eyes hazel.

-"Good morning um..."-Faythe looks at her.

-"My name is Laura"-she smiles warmly, she looks like a nice girl...but I don't judge by looks, nor trust easily. We follow her to the dining room where breakfast is served, we eat and then walk to the training place.

-"I am Sir Evan and I'm in charge here"-a very thin man not very tall either but with a great lung capacity says a greeting for us.

-"I'm Lady Stea"-Faythe says quickly, her shoulders are tense, she's obviously nervous but I know she will do just fine.

-"I don't really care about you being girls, we won't go easy on you"-Sir Evan says harshly, I hold myself back from throwing fire at him.

-"That's great, just the way I like it"-Min speaks firmly.

-"Time to train"-Faythe looks at us and we quickly understand, we must keep a low profile and fit in like one of them...if we want that going easy and all girly won't help us.

-"Who of you will be the first one to fight my son, Elric"-Sir Evan points at a soldier that does look a bit like him just younger and less thin.

-"I will"-Moonlight says before I can speak, she's one of our best fighters.

-"Alright then, come here"-Sir Evan grins.

Moonlight stands before Elric, her dark blue eyes fierce and unafraid. He is the first one to attack, he doesn't use much he really understimating her? Terrible mistake. Sarah quickly blocks him, I notice she's not using her full potential but she's not showing weakness either. He strikes for her face now angry, with her arm she blocks him and with a swift movement she knocks him out of his feet. Everyone stays in silence and she looks at the rest defiantly.

-"That was...a good fight, the next one"-Sir Evan tries, and fails, to hide his surprise. Natasha decides to be the next, she's strong but her real strength is the speed of her mind, she can easily predict the next movement of her opponents and finds out quickly their weak points where she attacks mercilessly. Like Moonlight she doesn't use her full potential and shocks everyone anyways.

-"I'll be the next"-Min walks in, she's short but her movements are really fast. Even without a sword her agility is enough for her to take down the soldier without getting any injuries. Ruth is better using her bow but she shows them despite of her sweetness and shyness she's a warrior you should be afraid of.

-"Ryuko"-Faythe whispers and I turn to look at her.


-"Do you want to go next? Or I should go first?"-Faythe's lovely light grey eyes seem to be worried, stop it Ryuko!

-"I can go next, I'll be fine"-I smile at her reasuringly.

-"Do your best"-she smiles warmly, I feel my heart race and walk away quickly.

I walk towards my opponent, he's muscular and guessing by the way he holds his chin high he's also arrogant. The easiest kind to defeat, too much confidence won't help you with me. I shut my eyes and feel my breathing, I learned to focus myself thanks to years of training, being in a cave for almost a century and Faythe's breathing exercises. Now. I dock both of his fast kicks, I can't be much of a show off but I won't let him win. He's strong but very predictable, I block most of his moves letting him hit me a little to keep him confident. I fake a pained expression as his kick reaches my ribs, I control my breathing to act like I'm panting exhausted. He smiles, a smile that tells me he's ready to win, he gives his final blow which I avoid and punch him hard, then kick him with less strength sending him to the floor.

-"Ryuko!!"-Faythe rushes to my side, my cheeks flush but the exercise disguises it well.

-"Well your friend is pathetic compared to you all"-the soldier on the floor laughs, I try to hide my anger and keep pretending I really got worked over.

-"She is the less trained of us"-Moonlight explains helping Faythe hold me up.

-"I'm fine girls"-I breathe in deeply slowly calming down and relaxing my muscles.

After some training we get the rest of the day to relax and walk around the town.

-"Ryuko! I have an idea"-Moonlight smiles at me, I blink surprised.

-"An idea? For what?"-

-"I know you like Faythe, so why don't you go out with her along with Natasha and me?"-her words make me blush darkly.

-"Like her? I don't! I mean she's a great girl but I don't like her like her..."-I try my best to keep my nervousness from showing in my words.

-"Oh...well I thought you did, I like Natasha and I want her to be mine"-Sarah speaks calmly, her expression serious. She seems so secretive...why does she say something like this so easily to me?

-"Moonlight I..."-

-"You have to stop acting like a lost spirit, so many years at a cave made you untrusting and you probably tortured yourself in there...I am like you, this is why I'm trusting you this confession...I decided to risk it all and trust you dragon girl, now you decide if you can trust me back"-she speaks firmly her night blue eyes staring right into my crimsom ones.

-"I...I decide to trust you, but I'm not sure I'm all that please don't trust me too much"-I still remember who I am.

-"I will trust in you until you show me you're not worth it, now...mind helping me with my girl?"-she smiles, she's far more friendly that her cold facade makes you think.

-"But how can you love a girl?"-

-"I don't understand"

-"You're a girl...loving another girl? Isn't that wrong?"-I ask shyly.

-"Maybe, I don't know and I really don't care, I believe that killing the desire of my heart is wrong, if I do...I will die inside, and having a life like a living dead is the worst mistake you can ever make"-she says slowly placing a strand of her platinum hair behind her ear.

A life like a living hand is placed on top of my chest where my heart is, am I alive?

-"Thank you Moonlight"-

-"Don't thank me and help me with Nat"-she says jokingly.

-"I think she's afraid of you..."-

-"What do you mean?"-her eyes widen.

-"Maybe you have been too agressive with her...she's constantly avoiding you, if you get closer to her as a friend she will trust you more and maybe correspond your love"-I explain gently really wanting to help.

-"I see...a friendly approach, yes, that seems what I'm looking for...thank you Ryuko!"-she smiles and jogs off. A friend...I guess even I can have friends...

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With much love Bel :3

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