Comon just kiss the girl

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At the Why Don't We House
The boys and Emma were stocking the Sway boys tiktok page. "OMG GUYS GO ON BRYCE'S LIVE" Emma shouted. The boys went on fake accounts so no one knew it was them. They were talking about basic, boring stuff. "Do you see a girl in the background for a quick sec" Corbyn said, "The girl is wearing your jacket Daniel!". Daniels head shot over from the kitchen and ran over with some soup in a bowl. "When did you make soup!" Zach laughed. "What! soup makes me happy. I will always have time for soup". By now everyone has joined the live and is watching out for them. After 30 long minutes of watching Bryces 9 year old fans asking questions, they finally hear Kelly's laugh. "We know they have them now so let's just go get them" Jonah said getting up looking for his car keys. "Whoa, Whoa, whoa calm down there buddy" emma said, "we cant go in there without a plan". " If you go to their website I'm pretty sure it's the sway house  location" Zach said. " Let's go there" Jack said getting up from the couch. "No not till the night, but it's already dark outside and we don't really got a plan when we go in there so not till tomorrow night" Emma said.
Kate pov
We're watching a movie and I still can't believe what they told us. I never thought they would do that. They stole their girlfriends then broke up with the a week later! That's just a dick move. Maybe I should rethink Daniel. I feel like even tho we have spent so much time together... I still know nothing about him. Yes, I know the basics like his favorite color, what car he has, and everything friends would know. I want, no... I need to know more. I will not be in a relationship with someone that I really know nothing about! I don't know how he treats his mom, if he uses cash or credit more, how he likes his coffee in the morning. I hope he understands that. I don't need another thing that I'm not going to have any joy in. I need to see him in public, the only time is when we went to the mall. Wow, that feels like forever ago. I looked over and saw Kaelyn and Kelly sleeping. "I'm going to bed" Noah said getting up from the couch. "I am to" Jaden said also getting up from the couch. Everyone else got up from the couch "what am I, chop liver" I said standing up to,"are we just going to sleep here on the couch?" I asked. "Well you got that room upstairs and the couch" Josh said getting a bottle of water for upstairs. "Well I'm going to go to bed" Kelly stated. "I am to, let's just share the bed in the room" Kaelyn said with Kelly going upstairs. Now it's only me and Bryce. Once the upstairs door shut, I made a plan. If we want to take these guys to court after all this, we need more information. "Hey Bryce...".
"Yes Kate" Bryce said looking up from his phone.
"You told us why you took us, but you didn't really say why you took us" I questioned him seriously.
"Um well, they took the people we love" he took a pause, "So we took the people they love".
This is confusing me.
"Think about it... we loved them but your guys took them away" he continued,"so they love you so we took you".
"Oh that makes sense in a horrible way, but they don't love us..." I replied.
"Are you kidding me they love you guys, I'm going to bed" He said and just left went upstairs to go to bed. 
Well that went well. I'm alone down here. Wait. I can leave. I made my way off of the couch making sure everyone was gone. I feel like every step I take it creaks. Step creak, another step creak. The door is inches away. Now would they really be that stupid to leave the door unlocked. It doesn't hurt trying, I guess. Crap! It's one of the keypad locks. It's to late for this. I laid down on the couch with a fuzzy pink blanket until I slowly started drifting to sleep thinking about someone...
Back with why don't we
Jonahs pov
I couldn't sleep that night. Too much is happening. I think everyone forgot that they asked us to kill Emma. She has never mentioned knowing who they were or why they would want her dead. Did she know who had them the whole time. There's something that's not right... it started earlier when we were trying to get our minds off the girls for a while...
( imagine it like a flash back)
Woosh wishhh washhh
No ones pov for this part
"Zach does your mom still make those bomb cinnamon rolls?" Corbyn asked excited.
"Of course man, my dad would die without them"
"I have to try one of these now" Emma smiled.
"Oh yes my mom will love you" Zach grabbed her hand.
"WAIT! I HAVE TO GET MY CAMERA READY" Daniel rushed to grab his phone and turn on a video of Zach and Emma.
"Three, two, one"
( go to top to listen to the song)
"Sha-la-la-la-la-la, my, oh, my
Look like the boy too shy
He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame? Too bad
He gonna miss the girl

Now's your moment (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Floating in a blue lagoon (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better do it soon, no time will be better
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
She don't say a word and she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl

Sha-la-la-la-la-la, don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl (Whoa, whoa)
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl (Whoa, whoa)
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, float along
And listen to the song
The song say, "Kiss the girl" (Whoa, whoa)
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, music play
Do what the music say
You gotta kiss the girl
(You've got to) Kiss the girl
You wanna kiss the girl
You've gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl" once jack and Daniel were done singing a Disney classic, they took a bow.
"Ok they did not just sing a whole song JUST FOR YOU TWO JUST TO LOOK AT US" Corbyn yelled laughing.
Zach and Emma looked at each other and leaned in. Once their lips met... they never wanted to pull apart. The moment soon ended when Jonah coughed signaling how long they have been there. Their lips drew back and then everyone cheered!
"Guys we have done a lot worse trust me" Zach snickered.
"TMI zach... tmi"
"Oh my mom is calling me" Zach said rushing to answer it.
Zach: hey mom
Mom: SWEETIE how do I get the app Facebook it disappeared
Zac: You just got the App Store and download Facebook
Mom: Hm  so what I did when I first got Facebook
Zach: ya
Mom: Ah ha it came back, ok thank u hunny Ryan and Resse were no help
Zach: yep glad to be of service goodnight
Mom: Bye sweetie I love you! Don't do anything stupid
Zach: oh and mom
Mom: yes hunny?
Zach: can you make me and the boys your cinnamon rolls?
Mom: of course, well-
Mom: was that Corbyn?
Zach: sure was now bye mom love you
Zach hung up "Aw your mom seems so sweet" Emma said. "Hey what about your parents we've never talked about your family" Zach said curious.
"Oh we don't talk much. I'm either here or my room, they are always gone for business" Emma said sighing.
"What do they do for a living?" Daniel asked.
"Oh Um they have a weird job. It's hard to explain"
"It's ok. Hey you guys wanna have a bon fire?" Jack asked the group.
"I don't know... I should leave. My mom will be mad if I don't come back again" Emma stated getting up and walking to her coat.
"Oh ok well I will text you tonight" Zach whispered in Emma's ear while sneaking a kiss on the cheek. Emma left as Zach walked back the the boys.
"Wow, um is hasn't been all of us together in a while" Jonah said, "wanna play Xbox?".
"I'm down"
"Ya sure"
(End of flashback)
Wooosh wishhh washhh
Now back to Jonahs pov
Clearly when we asked about her family, we hit a nerve. I have a gut feeling she knows something... and I won't stop till I find out.

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