Cake and kisses

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Kelly's pov
"SURPRISE" Kaelyn started and we all caought along. Kate sprang from the couch and yelled,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY". Her eyes opened and she looked stunned and in shock. "Who's birthday is it?"  Zach asked her. "I don't know, when someone says SUPRISE I think of someone's birthday and I bet it's someone's birthday somewhere in the world".  "True it probably is someone's birthday today" jack said sitting down next to Kate. "Well all this talk about birthdays I want cake!". "I AGREE WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY FOR US NOT BEING DEAD" Kaelyn yelled. "Wait we should have a cake competition!" Kate exclaimed. "yea I can see if Emma could come over" Zach shrugged. "OoO zachy has a girlfriend" Jonah cooed. He rolled his eyes and went in his phone. "Yea I'm so going to win with my cake" Daniel said showing off. " We should make teams" I said getting on my phone to randomly pick the teams. " Make sure to add in Emma and her sister they're coming over here to and Eben is coming to" Zach said to Me while I was about to randomly pick the teams on my  phone with a app."So the first team is Kaelyn, Kate, Jack, and Corbyn" I said as Kaelyn and Kate were screaming as running towards each other. "The second team is me, Emma, Emma's sister and Daniel, and the third team is Jonah, Zach, and Eben". "Ok we need to go get stuff for this cake competition, eben and Emma will meet us at the shop" Jonah said grabbing his keys.  We all loaded into two cars. "Now why the hell am I with all girls" Daniel scoffed in the car. "Do you wanna switch with me?" Kate asked.
"No he's not allowed to because then I WOULD be the only girl on my team" Kaelyn said.
"How about me and Zach switch so you have him" I said wanting the argument to be over.
"You sure you wanna be alone with Jonah and eben?" Jack asked.
"Meh I will live"
"Okay I will text them about the switch."
Kaelyn pov
We all went to the car it was a quick and quiet car ride. Once we were all walking in to target Jack said "Those are big red balls". "THATS WHAT SHE SAID" Kate and I screamed laughing. We walked in to target and as we wait for eben and Emma to arrive, like any normal adults we went to the toy section. I saw some really cute pop its " Should I get this doll" Daniel said holding a foot tall baby doll with pink sparkly cowboy hat.
"Is it one that you have to feed and it poops?" Kate asked.
"Um i dont think so..." he turned the box to look at the back,"all it does is yells MAMMA or DADDA"
Kate grabbed the doll from him and asked,"you want kids?"
"I mean like yea! I can only imagine a tiny me running around. Only if my wife is cool with it tho." He laughed.
"How many are you thinking"
"I don't know maybe two or three, do you want kids?"
"I mean like maybe, it all depends on my life and if I settle down but I would only want one or two" Kate shrugged.
"You would have BEAUTIFUL baby's" I said entering the conversation. Kate gave me a death glare as Daniel just chuckled.
Hearing them talk makes me think. Jack and I haven't talked about the kiss we had. Did he like it... was it awkward. He hasn't brought anything up to me yet. "Suck my dick", wait what the fuck. I turn around and see Corbyn and Jonah talking to a toy that repeats what you say. Laughing jack walked over to me, I feel my face blushing and smiling. I quickly turned off my emotions and said,"Heyyy" stretching out the y. "So what's going on over here" he asked implying about kate and Daniel. "Oh well they are talking about baby's and shit"
"Hymn it looks like that are talking about Shrek now...?"
"Wait what!" I jerked my head around and Daniel is saying,"GET OUT OF MY SWAMP" Kate replied saying,"man we can stay up late Sharing manly stories, and in the morning... I'm making waffles". They bursted out laughing which made people look at them, and probably question why 7 adults are hanging out in the toy isles. Wait seven... where the hell is Zach! Oh well we will find him sonner or later. I sat down in the floor leaning down against the shelf, jack joined me as we didn't speak. "Where do you see our relationship going?" I asked. He took a breath and answered,"well where do you see us going"
"Hey! I'm asking the questions here"
"Wow calm down there hot head."
"What did you just call me" I said laughing.
"Hot head" he said smiling at me with that dumb smile he does.
"Well your now being called cool nuts"
"Wait where the hell did you get that!"
"Well you seem all cool till someone hits you in the nuts" I shrugged.
"Did Zach tell you about that!" He examined.
"UM NO BUT I AM SO ASKING NOW!" We both busted out laughing now.
"But really... where do you see, Us" I said seriously.
"Well I think something could happen in the near future" he smirked.
"And what do you mean by that".
"Oh I think you know what I mean"
"Well I-" I was cut off by Jonah asking for him. He kissed my cheek and said,"we will talk later love" as he got up. God what that guy does to me. I see Kate and Daniel staring at me with their eyes wide and jaws dropped. I quickly got up and said,"I have no idea what just happened". I walked over to  Kate and Daniel "What the fuck does 'I think you know what I mean' mean!" I said " I think you'll figure it out soon" Kate said to me as we walked out of the toy section and see Zach zooming by us on a grocery cart. "did you just see that?" Kate asked me rubbing her eyes. "If you saw Zach speeding by us in a cart, then... yes" I replied. "Well we better go follow" I said heading into the direction. I saw Kate roll her eyes as I followed. We headed where Zach went "Hey what are you you doing" I said getting  zachs attention. "Just riding on these carts" he said as corbyn came running towards us out of nowhere,"Hey Kate I need you " Corbyn said to Kate as they both walked away from us. "What if you just push me around in the cart" I said " Sure " he said as I got in the cart. We went flew by the isles and people gave us lots of dirty looks. He was going really fast and almost knocked over a whole bunch of bouncy balls " holy shit go over by all those cans" " oh that be fun" he said starting to go faster. We were getting really close to the cans and he was about to turn but the cart was going way to fast then Bang. The cart and I didn't go flying in to the towers of cans but we just knocked over one at the bottom " fuck" Zach said backing away as the cans start to all crash down. I luckily moved away far enough from all the cans but it made a loud noise. " omg so many people are staring at us" I said as I see an employee I think walking towards us. I quickly got out of the cart. "What is going on here!" The guy asked. "Um well we were pushing our cart and the wheel turned and it knocked it over" Zach said nervously. God Zach is a horrible lier. "Let me call my manager" they guy said. Soon a lady with a hair cut from the fucking 80s walked over saying,"okay what is happing". "Um the cart lost control as we were pushing it" I said following the same story. "Wait aren't you in a boy band...?" The manager asked. "It depends who's asking" Zach smirked, I elbows his arm and he said,"yea I am". "Oh well my 13 year old daughters ABSOLUTELY LOVES YOU, isn't it Why Didn't We?"
"It's Why Don't We"
"Well how about if you give me a video of you saying hi we can let you off the hook" she said taking out her phone. I shrugged at Zach and he reached for the phone. "What are their names?" He asked. "Lucy and Erin" she smiled. "What up Lucy and Erin, it's me Zach. I just wanted to say hi and say how cool your mom is here! I hope for you guys to come to our next show!" He finished handing back the phone. "Thank you so much, they are going to love this!"
"Yea it's no problem"
"Now Carl clean up these cans"
We started to walk away and go back to the toy isle laughing the whole time. Everyone was there but Kate and Corbyn, Clearly no one thought much of this because they were all preoccupied with other things.
Jonahs pov
Me and Jack were just talking about new merch and show ideas as a little girl looking about the age of 4 tugged on my shirt,"um hello I lost my mommy can you help me find her" she said to me. "Uh Kelly come over here" I said as Jack went over to Daniel, Zach, and Kaelyn. "Hey what's up" Kelly said to me looking down at the little girl. "I need help" the girl said. Kelly walked over and picked the girl up and put her on her hip. "Where did you last see your mom" I said "In the- uh clothing part" she stuttered a bit. "Well let's go back there and see if we can find her" Kelly said leaving the isle with me following. "What does your mom look like?" I asked.
"Everybody says she looks like me but I look way cuter than her but kinda like me with my hair I guess"
"You mean that you look like her" Kelly laughed.
"No, I'm right" the girl smiled.
We reached the area and no one was there. "Will my mom find me..." the girl said with a tear forming in her eye. "Well not without our help" I said looking over all the rows. "We could just go to the front area and have them say it on the speaker" Kelly whispered as putting the girl down from her hip, I nodded and started to walk. Soon I felt a little hand start to grab mine. I look down and see her looking up at me,"what's your name? I'm Olivia". "My names Jonah, her names kelly".
We kept walking asking the girl about her mom and if she knew her number, of course she didn't but still worth asking. I saw the customer service desk and speed walked all the way there. "Hi Um this girl lost her mom, I don't know if you could go on the speaker or something". "Oh yea for sure, what was her name?" The woman at the desk said. "It's Olivia, and she said she was four" Kelly said. The woman picked up the phone and in came the speaker yelling,"IF THERE IS A MOTHER WITH A FOUR YEAR OLD DAUGHTER THAT IS NAMED OLIVIA PLEASE COME TO THE SERVICE DESK. AGAIN IF YOU LOST YOUR FOUR YEAR OLD DAUGHTER PLEAES COME TO THE SERVICE DESK." She smiled at me as Olivia played with her thumbs with Kelly trying to keep her entertained. Soon a woman ran to where we are yelling,"IM HERE, IM HERE! WHERES MY BABY". Olivia ran up to her hugging her waist. The service desk woman said,"sorry to beak this reunion up but I'm going to need to see some identity and prof your her mother".
"Oh yes of course" the mom said pulling out her phone. "Here's her when we took her home from the hospital, here's on her birthday, here's when we got our dog."
"Thank you, you are good to go".
"Thank you so much for finding her, I turn away for on moment and she's gone".
"Don't thank me, thank these guys" she said pointing to me and Kelly.
"Thank you so much, nothing in this world will let me thank you enough for finding her" the mom said telling Olivia to say bye as they left the store. I left the desk with a smile but Kelly looked confused. "What's going on with you?" I asked.  "Do all parents love their kids that much..."
"I mean like, I want to think so"
Then I remembered that her parents died really before she could have a couple memories of them. I put my arm over her shoulder pulling her close and she put her head in my neck as we walked.
Jack's pov
I'm just going to let Jonah and Kelly Handel the kid so if anything goes wrong, I'm not involved. "Where did Kate and Corbyn go?" I asked the group. "Um i actually have no idea, I will text them" Zach said getting out his phone. After a bit I texted them to but nothing in reply. "Maybe they went back to the car, Corbyn did have the key" Daniel said shrugging. "I will go look and see, Zach see when Emma and eben will be here" I said. "On it". I left the store and looked for the car, soon after picking the wrong row 284628173 times, I found the car. I looked in the window and saw...

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