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Kaelyn pov
I woke up. Damn the sun is bright. Kelly was still sleeping and of course there is no clock in here. I started to throw pillows at Kelly "WAKE UP" I yelled. "Stoopppppp" Kelly said half asleep. "Come on let's go wake up and get FOOD" I said getting Kelly out of bed. We ran downstairs and there was just Kate there sleeping. "Let's  pour water on her" Kelly whispered. "Yessssss" I whispered running to the kitchen. We got a bowl full with water "1,2,3" Kelly and I said dumping the water on Kate. " WHAT THE FUCK" Kate yelled as Kelly and I were dying laughing. "I'm going to actually kill you" Kate said getting up from the wet couch as me and Kelly started to run away from Kate. Kate grabbed a butter knife from the kitchen and started lunging towards us. "I was always the sibling that was being chased, feels good to have the knife this time"she said as we ran.
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING" Josh yelled coming down the steps. "SHES CHASING US" Kelly said hiding behind me. "They started it, I'm drenched from their silly prank this morning" Kate sighed setting the knife on the counter. "Yea yea, you guys wanna go somewhere today?" Bryce said hoping down the steps. "Sure you can drive us back to the why don't we house" I said smiling big. "Yea sure" Jaden said coming down to. "Wait really!" I said excitedly. "No, you ever heard of sarcasm" Jaden said rolling his eyes at us. "Let's go to a ice cream place" Kate suggested. "Sure let's go around one pm" Josh nodded. "I call showering" I yelled as I ran upstairs.
Wdw house
" I want chocolate ice cream" Zach said laying on the couch. "Ew not chocolate, that's gross" Daniel said disgusted. "How can u hate on chocolate it's chocolate" Jonah said. " I want to get ice cream now" Corbyn said getting up from the couch. "Yea me to, I hear a new place opened up on the boardwalk" jack said finding his car keys,"let's go there". Everyone agreed and slowly but Shirley everyone came out in a matter of thirty minutes. Jack was in the driving seat with everyone but Zach, who was still doing his hair. "Why is he taking so long, I don't even take 20 minutes  and the curls get the girls".

A/n in the story I imagine jack having curly hair like he does now or if your reading this in the future with what every hair he has, just think of him with curls or not I don't reallly care. Okay that's it back to the story

Zach walked out the front door finally and entered the car. Jack started to drive off , as Corbyn said,"okay so at 2am, we go to the house and and knock on the door to catch them off guard", he continued, "then we barge in, get the girls, then get out". "Solid plan but one thing you missed." Said jonah. "And what's that?". "You know they could have guns or something, and if we make a wrong move someone could end up dead". "well I will text Emma the plan later" Zach said turning on the radio.
Kelly's pov
Noah came down the steps at 12:45, 20mins later from when he was supposed to be ready to go."finally! You take longer than Zach to do his hair"Kaelyn scoffed."well it takes time to look this good, you know maybe you should take longer to get ready" Noah said flipping his hair. "Oh no you didn't!". Kaelyn lunged at him with her full force. She ran and grabbed onto his hair, messing it up on purpose. "Are you guys going to do NOTHING!" Noah yelled trying to get the crazy girl off of him. Jaden replied "nope we're good watching you struggle" Bryce laughed. "I feel like we should have popcorn during this"I replied high-fiving Josh. Noah laughed and tried to fix his hair the best he can. "oh look at the time we need to hit the road, and there's no time for you to fix your hair... oh well" Kaelyn said laughing. Everyone somehow managed to fit into two cars,me, Josh, Kaelyn, and Bryce are in one car and Kate, Jaden, Noah, and Cameron In the other. Everyone thought it was best for Noah and Kaelyn to be separated after what happened. The car ride was pretty quiet, until I asked to know what this place was called. " it's a new place on the board walk, so we might go look at the beach after."Josh said focusing on the road. It almost felt like hours driving in he car. I leaned my head back on the seat, telling myself that's it's only a quick nap nothing longer than ten minutes.
Kates pov
this car ride is probably the weirdest fucking thing I've been involved in. First we left 5 minutes after everyone else because Noah had the keys but cameron wanted to drive so bad that he started a fight with Noah on why he's a better driver."shut yo mouth boy, of your going to get a ass wooping" Noah said like a mom. "I'm so scared" he rolled his eyes. "I'm driving because I'm cooler so suck on that", Noah finally got into the drivers seat and started the engine. Once we were all settled in we followed after the other car. "I could really go for a nap right now" I said yawning.
"But you woke up like 4 hours ago..."
"Well as you know, I didn't have such a pleasant wake up call"
"Then take a nap, we still have like another 30 minutes" Noah said looking at the GPS.
"I... why did you choose a place so far away" I whined.
"It's a new place that just opened up, plus it's on the boardwalk so the beach will be pretty"
"Not as pretty as you" Jaden cooed looking at me all sweet.
"*cough* *cough* suck up" Cam said looking back.
"I will say, it was smooth. But it's never going to happen buddy" I said shrugging. I looked out the window and just say cute little shops and a whole lot of hotels. My fingers reached down to open the window, I kept clicking it down but it wouldn't move. wait, what the fuck, "why the hell is my child lock on!"
"We can't trust you" cam said looking back.
"I AM VERY OFFENDED BY THAT, a matter a fact I won 'best person to trust' in high school"
"You did not, I wouldn't trust you to watch paint dry" Noah said turning on his turn signal.
"Yea... your right. I won 'most likely to Fuck a boyband'. Funny how that worked out"
"Well we are only like 10 minutes out"
Everything was silent for a bit with cam and Jaden on their phones. BUT THIS IS SOO BORING. I wish I had my phone -WAIT WHERE IS MY PHONE. I remember having it when we were homeless for a night but that's it.
Kaelyn pov
I'm dying in this car. Kelly is sleeping on my shoulder and not one of us have said a word in ten minutes maybe. "You got games on your phone" I said aesthetically."Ya" josh replied. "Well can I play them I'm bored as fuck"I said as Kelly moved I think she waking up. "No" he said so basic. "Why" I said straight forward as Kelly woke up from her litttle nap. "What happened" she said tiredly. "You fell asleep" I said. We turned into a parking lot and I see a beach. "Are we there yet" Kelly said as looking out the window. "Yep we're here" Bryce said pulling into a parking spot. We got out of the car as another car parked next to us. OMG Kate got out of that car. "Bestayyyyyy" I said like I haven't  seen her in a year. We walked into the ice cream shop it have off lots of beach vibes. "Im really liking this place, but why the fuck is there so many fucking people" Kelly complained. "Well you guys find a table, what ice cream do you want-"  Bryce started but I cut him off yelling,"CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH".
"Ok what about the rest of you?"
"I want a chocolate milkshake they look good here" Kate said looking around the place.
"Umm ugh why are there so many flavors, let's just go with mint chip" Kelly shrugged.
"Ok so you guys get a table with Cameron and we will get in this huge line" Josh said wondering off to get a space in line. I lead the way to the back of the building, I saw two tables that both seat four people so I ran. And I only bumped in to like 7 people this time. I should get a award. The tables were a little sticky but we will live. Everyone slowly found me and sat down to wait. "This place give me major hot girl summer vibes" Kate said.
"I agree I feel like a baddie in here" I answered. I took another look around and see people in the distance... wait is that. No it can't be. Jonah? Jack? I must be seeing things. I just took a seat and played rock, paper, scissors with kate while we wait.
Kelly's pov
Me and Cameron had mini conversations. Crap I gotta Pee. "Do you see the bathroom?" I asked. "Um i  think it's right over there, next to those huge plants." Kate pointed out, then quickly looking back to the game her and Kaelyn were playing. "Kk I'm going, be right back". I slithered through the mounds of people until I finally reached it. I walked in and saw how nice this place really was. I see why it's so popular now. After I've done my business, I started to wash my hands with the strawberry scented soap. The door flung open as a group of teen girls walked in. Whoa I did not look like that when I was 14 and 15. Somehow I just feel very insecure now. Oh well. I walked back through the door, but my arm was grabbed. Oh hell nah. I'm not being taken again. I flipped around and twisted the persons fingers. "Ow ow ow ow, jelly what was that for" a familiar voice said. My head shot up, my eyes met with the one, the only, Jonah. My arms flew around him bringing him into a tight hug. "I've missed you to but we need to move fast." He move me along until we reached the other side of the building where very one else was standing. "Oh look the whole gangs here" I said looking at everyone. "Are all of you here or like just you?" Jack asked wiping his hands with a napkin. "Oh yea, they are right over there." I said pointing over the crowds of people. "Ok what's our game plan?". "Um i could get them to come over here with me for the 'bathroom'" I said looking at Kate and Kaelyn fighting over something silly probably.
"We could or we get a distraction" Zach said with a smirk.
"No, we are not doing that" jack said sternly.
"Why not it's so funny" Zach explained.
"It's so embarrassing"
"Well for you it is"
"What the fuck was that" I said turning around.
"Awe crap! Now we have to get more" Bryce practically yelled to the whole store.
"Well there's our distraction" Daniel laughed,"now go"
I rushed past the crowd and ran in to a person,"Um sorry" I said fast.
"Calm down was there a fight in the bathroom or something" Kate laughed.
"Oh shut up, I need help... it's lady problems" Cameron looked at me suspiciously.
"I know you guys are going to leave, go ahead the door right there" he shrugged.
"Their coming back, we gotta run" Kaelyn said speed walking to the back  door. I turn my hard to see them coming our way with things in their hands. I moved through the shop with the girls next to me as we get back to Jonah and them.
"Hey long time no see" Kaelyn said. People behind me started letting out complaints. I see Josh pushing people out of his way.
"We have to run, they are following us"

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