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Kate's pov
They just put us in the car and me and Kaelyn shared a seat. The car ride was silent. I do not do well in these situations. Should I talk or should I not. If I do I think it will just make it worse. I'm kinda scared of what will happen. I put on this tough guy look and talk but, I'm just as scared as Kaelyn and Kelly. And the girls mean so much to me, and I just don't want them to get hurt but I'm the one that gets them into situations that can get them hurt. I feel like such a bad friend. If I would I just ran like Kaelyn told me to none of us would be in this situation. I guess I was thinking the whole car ride because we are back at the house. We all started to get out of the car when Corbyn said something weird
C: Jonah can you and Jack and Daniel go to the store and get some milk
Jo and J and D: sure
They got in the car. Then Zach whispered to me and  the girls.
Z: go to the basement
So we all walked in the door and went to the basement. They really need to redesign this place.
We all just hanged out in the basement for a little while then we got bored.
Ke: I'm bored
Ka: me to
K: wanna go upstairs
We open the door and walked upstairs. We saw Corbyn and Zach sitting on the couch.
C: why are you up here
K: were bored
Z: we were about to watch a movie
C: wanna watch it with us
Ke: sure
K: what movie is it?
Ke: no I hate scary movies 
Z: well to bad
I sat next to Corbyn then on the other side of him was Kaelyn. Then next to her was Zach then Kelly.
The movie started. And it wasn't that scary, but on part I almost peed my self and I think Kelly too because she was hugging Zach. And I look down and I see I'm also hugging Corbyn. FUDGE I can feel my face get red. But I see Kaelyn looking normal like nothing ever happened. Man that girl is weird but I still love her. I'm getting tired tho and cold.
K: hey where are the blankets
Z: in that basket over there
K: ok
So I walk over and grab a pretty large one. I walk back and sit back down next to Corbyn and rap myself in the blanket.
The movie is almost done so I lean my head on the back of the couch. And I fell a breeze and I move my head on to Corbyns shoulder. By accident. Shit. This. Is. Not. Good. Ummmmmm what do I do now. I could just act asleep. Ya that sounds good. So I shut my eyes and act asleep.

Hello there// we have 104 reads I'm so happy!!!
Sorry it's a short one. I'm on vacation right now

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