Fuck here we go again

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Kelly's pov
Fuck why is it so bright in the basement. My eyes adjust, this is not a basement. I look to my left and and see Kaelyn and Kate tied up in chairs. I move my arm but I'm tied down to. It smells like alcohol and drugs. Like the bad drugs. Our chairs aren't nailed down to the floor. My arms are felling numb now we need to get out and fast. I kicked Kaelyn who was next to me. She's not moving. My legs are pushing and kicking her chair so hard just to wake her up. She finally woke up. She looked around the room "where the fuck are we" she said very tiredly. "I don't know but we need to get out these chairs" I said trying to untie my hands. "Lucky for you was a Girl Scout in fourth grade" she said easily getting her hands out of the ropes. Kaelyn stood up and tried to walk toward me but fell. Boom. Kates head shot up and looked around,"oh hey guys funny seeing you here" she said yawning. Kaelyn got up again and walked and untied my now fully asleep arms. Next she went to Kate as she was untiring Kates hands the door opened. Damn it, it's Jennifer and Josslyn. "Hey sluts how you doing" I said to them. "I'm doing great" Jennifer said, Kate started laughing,"bahahahah you just answered to slut". Even Josslyn started laughing. Kate was untied now and we all stood up looking at them. "Well you guys ready for round two" Kaelyn said punching Jennifer straight in the nose. I saw a little tear come out of her eyes. I ran for Josslyn and put her in a head lock. Kate grabbed her legs and we both dropped her at the same time. By that time Kaelyn already had Jennifer knocked out on the floor. I did one last kick then Josslyn was out like a light. I hear the front door open and foot steps coming upstairs. We all quickly make them look like they did it to each other. We sat back in the chairs and put the rope in a lose normal knot.
What's happening at the why don't we house
Eben spent the night at their house, the next morning Jack was the first one up. When we got downstairs he saw how the house was a mess from the night before. Soon jonah and Corbyn come down tired and make some coffee. Once everyone was awake they started to clean up the house. "Are the girls awake yet?" Jonah asked everyone."I don't think so and have anybody seen my phone" eben said looking in the couch."here I will go wake them up" Corbyn said walking toward the door."wake up sleepy heads, there's food upstairs". But the room was empty. "Um guys you better get down here" Corbyn yelled to them. They looked all around the house for them. They were gone."this is not fucking good" Zach said,"I'm going to call Emma to see if she knows where they are". "So your calling your girlfriend" Daniel said to him. "What no she's not-". Jack cut him off,"Zach just say it". He just rolled his eyes and said," I'm going to clean up the outside" Emma picked up the phone.
Zach: Emma do you know where Kaelyn, Kelly, and Kate are?.
Emma: um no but did Kate and Daniel get together?
Zach: um no wait what were they doing something.
Emma: well Kate said she was dropping hints but he didn't get it so she gave him In to you by Ariana grande.
Zach: oh I will ask him what happened, I will tell you is we find them or anything.
Emma: ok well bye Zach
Zach: bye Emma
Zach and Eben stayed behind while the others went to see if the dolans seen him. Jonahs phone was the only one with some charge so they took his along. They got to their house and rang the doorbell to see two very tired twins. "Oh hey guys" Grayson said."hey um do you know where they girls are?" Daniel asked."um nope, wait last night when we were leaving I think I saw them get into a car with three other guys" Ethan said with avocado toast in hand,"they looked pretty comfortable with them so we didn't think much of it". Then Jonah got a message on his phone from eben, saying,"GET OVER HERE NOW"

Heyyyoooo, it's getting spicy 🌶. And go watch the vid at the top. I LOVE LOUTS INN

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