Omg a big wheel!!

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Kaelyns pov
Jack grabbed my hand and guided me towards the back door. Which ironically lead right out to the beach.
"I've never been in a chase before" Kelly said speed walking, "let's split up, they won't find us faster that way".
I nodded in agreement. "Wow look at that Ferris wheel... it's so.... tall" Kate said in amazement. "Well, let's go" I said letting go of Jack's hand and running toward the little carnival that was set up. As we get closer, we both look back and see Corbyn and Daniel trying to keep up with us. "Slow down!" they whined. "It's not my fault that I can run!" I yelled back. I slowed down my pace and let them catch up. The cost looked clear of sway boys following us, for now. "Ugh there's a line for the wheel" Kate sighed.
"It doesn't look to long, five minutes tops"
"Well let's get in line now, I wanna see the over view of LA" I said.
Daniel was right and it only took five minutes. A cold breeze blew over.
Slowly we reached the front of the line.
"NEXT" the person working the wheel yelled in my ear. Atleast we can all go together on one. We were about to enter as the worker yelled, "TWO PER CART, get in fast people" crap. I looked at Kate and started to walk on. CLEARLY she didn't understand what I was saying as I looked at her because I got stuck with Daniel. We both got into the cart. This is kinda weird just a little bit. "Why didn't you guys ever come back after you escaped them, you had two phones " he said looking over to me. "Well they both died, so we didn't know where the fuck we were going" I said rolling my eyes. "We live like twenty nine miles away from them you could of find your way to our house" he said rasing his voice. " It was getting dark and as a woman walking in the streets of La we found somewhere to hide and be FUCKING HOMELESS for a night" I said. OMG we're at the top it's so pretty I think I heard Daniel say something to me but I didn't care he's a asshole. "The view is so pretty... how come we never went anywhere" I said looking back at him. "Because you were KIDNAPPED" he yelled. I just looked away from him. We could see everything from this view - I see Jonah and Jack running " Look it's Jonah and Jack, what are they running from" I said pointing to the boardwalk. "I think Jaden or one of those assholes" He said looking down at them. I turned around to see Kate. Aw look at her with Corbyn, they look happy together. I bet Daniel is jealous. "What the fuck is she laughing at" Daniel scoffed looking at Kate. Yep I'm right, he's jealous. " I don't know, are you jealous of them" "No" Ya he's lying. " I think their talking about ice cream or chicken nuggets" I said trying to read their lips.
"You wanna hear a knock knock joke?" He asked
"Um sure"
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Cows go"
"Cows go who"
"No silly, Cows go MOO"
Now that got a laugh out of me. "That was the best and worst dad joke of all time" I said still laughing. A moment of silence happened. "Um sorry to ask but what was life like before... um all of this. Like what is was like in Organ?" He asked me sincerely,"you don't have to say if you do not want to". I feel like I should. We've only said little things about or life to them. It would be good for them to know. "Um well, as you know Kelly's mom and dad sadly passed away in a crash when she was very young. Kelly ended up in child care, never got adopted, then met us in collage. But of course if you want her whole story you would have to ask her. Oh Um then there's me. I have a single father, life has been hard but we get through it. Lastly there's Kate, she has both very protective parents in her life. And that pretty much covers it". "Um what about why you guys don't drink? It looks like a heavy topic for you guys?"
"Well that's a story we should all be together to share..."
"Yea, yea, of course"
The cart was back at the bottom.
"Looks like we are getting off now" I said gathering my things. Oh right, I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING! The ride should of stoped but it looks like we are going around another time. Yay more time next to Dani boy.
Kates pov
Kaelyn looked at me. And Daniel was already about to get on, so WE WOULD OF WAITED BUT DUMB ASS KAELYN CAME OUT AND GOT IN WITH DANIEL. As you can tell I'm in an amazing mood. I rolled my eyes when Kaelyn and Daniel sat together. I'm now getting in with corboner. Now together we sat, in silence. The cart rode higher and higher and I see Corbyn get a little tense. "You okay?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. "Um well, yea, actually no... I kinda got a fear of heights" he nervously laughed. "THEN WHY DID YOU GET ON THE RIDE!". "EVERYONE ELSE WAS AND IM NOT BEING THE WEIRD GUY JUST WAITING FOR YOU GUYS!" He yelled back. "Hahahaha you look funny when your mad" I laughed. We both started to laugh together. "Oh shut up, you should see yourself when your mad!" He fired back. "Oh you did not JUST GO THERE" I shoved him a tiny bit. His breathing got fast. Crap I already forgot he has a fear of heights. "I am so sorry" I said quickly pulling him in a hug. His breathing slowed down, I let go of him and smiled. I look up a cart above and see Kaelyn and Daniel talking. They are really a friendship I never thought we would need. "I wonder what they are talking about?" I said. "Probably how hot I look today" Corbyn said fixing his hair in a cocky way. "Meh but I could talk on that topic" I winked. What The fuck has come over me. I've never acted like this with him before, I kinda like it. He looked surprised by my comment but smirked after. "The water is so blue today" I said as we reached the top. "Yea it is" he said gulping trying not to look down. Um how do I help. "Oh um look at the pretty cloud" I pointed in the sky. "It looks like a pig and a bear having sex..." Corbyn claimed. "WHAT THE... are you okay. I see a butterfly eating a sandwich". "I don't think your okay, it's definitely the pig and the bear". "as if" I scoffed. Corbyn looked into my eyes... like he was looking for something. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked. "No..." he leaned in and my body did the same until our lips touched. Oh well Daniel, Corbyn did not come to play. He tried to start to make-out but I shut that down fast. I left the kiss and whispered,"slow down there boy". He just gave me a smirk as I blushed. But Daniel, I still like him and I don't feel the way I feel for daniel with Corbyn. How the fuck did I get in a love triangle with FUCKING WHY DON'T WE!! We kept talking about random things until we reached the bottom. The ride never stopped so I guess I get more time with Corbyn, and I'm not mad about it.
Kelly pov
I ran into this cute beach shop. "Hey slow down" Zach said running behind me. "This store is so cute I have to get something" I said walking over to the women section and I saw a matching sweatshirts the said "bff" or something cheesy like that. "Omg look at these matching sweatshirts " I said showing them to Zach "we have to get this". " Only if I get the blue" he said grabbing it. We walked around the shop a little more, but there was nothing really besides a whole bunch of ugly shirt and sweatshirts. "I would look amazing in this" Zach said showing off the UGLIEST THING EVER! "With your fashion sense, I have no idea why Emma likes you". He just rolled his eyes saying, "shut up I'm very lovable". I just rolled my eyes and started to walk over to the male section of the beach shop. The racks were full of shorts and tank tops. OoO Jonah in a tank top... me likey. "Are you done yet I wanna get a street taco!" He complained almost knocking over a rack of flip-flops. "Shut up I'm almost done". I flipped through the last of the racks and saw a men's dagger necklace. Hmmm well I think Jonah would like this, it could be a 'hey sorry I yelled and got drunk at your party' gift. I walked over to Zach to buy all the stuff. He payed for it of course like why would I have money. I've only been kidnapped twice. We walked out it of the store and in to the carnival where I know Kaelyn, Kate, Daniel, and Corbyn went. This place is crowded "Where do you think they are" Zach said looking around. "Omg look they are on the ferris wheel" I said pointing up to it. " There's no way Corbyn is on that" Zach said as we were waking over to there . "What do you mean?" I asked. "He terrified of heights, I have no idea how he's up there right now."
"I'm surprised that Kate is with Corbyn and not making out with Daniel" I laughed.
(A/n oh how Kelly was so wrong on who she was making out with)
We both waited at where you get off the ride for them. People started to leave the ride as we wait for the slowest people in the world. I finally see them walking towards us, Kaelyn and Daniel were silent and the other too we're still laughing about something like a bear and a pig with sex. I've lost hope for having normal friends a while ago.
Kaelyn pov
Ugh it's so windy and now my hair is all fucked up, and on the day we escape our kidnappers. Wait a damn minute are we escaping our kidnappers if our old kidnappers are saving us. Hm. I saw Kelly and Zach as I got off the ferris wheel " Hiii" I said running towards them. "Hey" Zach replied. "Did you get me something " I said pointing to the bag Zach was holding. "No, but we got these really cute sweatshirts" Kelly said smiling. I rolled my eyes and said,"well I miss the bed in the basement so let go now". Corbyn led the way to the car. Somehow in the car we all had a seat... that's not what normally happens... oh well. We let all the windows down and started to sing to music the whole way home. Daniels phone started blowing up with messages,"um aren't you going to check that" Kate yelled over the loud music. "I willl when we get back" he replied. Our fun car ride has come to a end shortly after. The car rolled into the drive way as Daniel finally looked at his phone. "SHIT we forgot jack and Jonah!"

HEYYYYYY oh and not to say anything but the song above might be the thing I based the Sequel after......

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