Ugh i hate waking up

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Kates pov
The movie kept playing as I got more and more tired, but very chilly so first priority is to get nice and warm. I got up and grabbed a blanket sitting in my old space draping it over me. I leaned my head on Daniels shoulders as he put his arm around me. He started to play with my hair and place circles on my shoulder with his thumb. I started to drift then "POW BOOM" the stupid movie made me shoot open my eyes, I looked around and saw Jack and Kaelyn cuddling. They were the couple I was always hoping would get together, with that happy thought I finally it to drift off...
3rd persons pov
Kate and few others fell asleep too while the movie was playing. Soon it ended and almost everyone went up to bed, as you see Kate fell asleep on the couch. Corbyn went to the bathroom while daniel thought he just slept in the music room, so he left kate to sleep on the couch not wanting to wake her. On the other hand Corbyn saw some person on the couch and assumed it was Daniel so he had the bright idea to go downstairs and sleep with Kate. Long story short, Corbyn and Daniel almost slept in the same bed, until Corbyn went down the stairs saying,"hey... Kate. I think we need to talk about our problem". Daniel immediately jumped up yelling,"I AM NOT KATE, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!". He ran upstairs to the music room and slept on the couch and Kate is pretty much oblivious that any of this is going on.
Soon morning came as emma and Zach were the first to wake up. "Shhhh Zach, Kate is sleeping right there! Stop making so much noise" Emma whispered yelled.
"Why do you even wanna make this food? We could just go out" he questioned.
"Well you guys have done a lot for me and I wanna return the favor", they got to work and made a feast.
Kate opened her eyes and got up rapping herself in a blanket off the couch. "Good morning!" Emma said welcoming.
"Hey, what are you cooking?"
"Well we got bacon and eggs cooking over there and cinnamon rolls are in the oven now" Emma smiling because of her work.
"Wait is it zachs mom's recipe?!?" Kate asked.
"How do you know about my moms recipe?" Zach asked.
"Well it's all Corbyn talks about these days" Kate laughed, "but imma see if Daniel is awake, I got to ask him a question".
"To be honest I don't know where he is, I would check upstairs first".
"Okay! And save me some bacon". Kate went upstairs and didn't see Daniel but saw Corbyn sleeping there instead after looking around and seeing Kaelyn and jack together... but Jonah and Kelly gone. She laughed and went back downstairs , "he wasn't there but Corbyn was in the music room and Jonah and Kelly were gone... but I'm to tired still to ask questions".
"Maybe look in the basement, its the only other place he could really be" Zach said flipping bacon. Now downstairs in the bed, Daniel was there sleeping. She climbed in with him as he clung on to her.
Kaelyn pov
I woke up with the sun shining on my face. Jack was already awake next to me on his phone. I yawned and said "good morning Avery". "Morning Kaelyn" he replied putting his phone down.
"What time is it?" I asked putting my head on his chest, "it's only 9:30" . Instead of answering I just stayed still listening to his heart beat. "I  smell bacon" I said groaning. "And I'm hungry so get up" jack said moving me off of him and getting up. I just stayed in bed while he out a shirt on,"I see you like the view" he laughed at me. I didn't even realize I was staring at him the whole time. Soon I got up with him and we walked down the stairs together.
"Well look who finally got up" Emma laughed getting plates out for them.
"How long where you two up?" Jack asked sitting down at the table with me next to him.
"Well probably for like an hour".
The door opened with Kelly and Jonah walking through the door holding a few paper bags. " What do you get" I asked. "Just drugs" Kelly said everyone looked really shocked. "Nah we got fresh fruit" Jonah said as he put down the bags.
Kate pov
" Good morning" I said waking up with him. "Hi"  He said half asleep. "How was your sleep" I said sitting up in bed. "I had this really weird dream, that Corbyn thought I was you and I said something and ran upstairs" Daniel said realizing where he was. "Maybe some of it was real" I said laughing. "Maybe, do you want to go upstairs" Daniel asked . "Sure" we walked upstairs and everyone was eating breakfast. Woah, there's a lot of people. It looks like everyone is awake now with Eben and Kim there too. "Morning guys" Kelly said biting into a apple. "Anyone want coffee?" Jonah asked getting out mugs. "Me!" I yelled before anyone else. Soon he came over with a mug of hot coffee when he tripped and spilled it all over me......... soon the floor got closer ans closer as ever....

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